Sunday, December 31, 2006
last day
of the year---
it is too sunny
New Year's party---
the moon is watching
all this foolishness
after the clouds cleared---
a gliding seagull
blocks the sun
early morning---
too many
mocking birds
no more cheap wine---
last sunset
a cat climbing
a street tree stops---
noisy night
Herald Square
holidays lights---pigeons
among the viewers
lonely night
I cook huevos rancheros---
a half moon
cold and windy day---
the sun shows
no remorse
end of the year
emptiness---it's cooler
in the Bahamas
on the way
to see a movie---
I pass a couple fighting
rainy morning---
I have no more change
for the parking meter
the sound of Muslim
call for prayers---
Christmas day
I eat another
raw turnip---
Sunday, December 24, 2006
he cuts me off
on Christmas Eve---
crescent moon
stardust on
leafless branches---
Madison Square Park
or no anchovies---
no anchovies!
praise goes
to his head---
an inflatable snowman
late December---
an inflatable Santa
goes south
end of the year---
a stocks broker
gives his bonus to the poor
first day of winter---
a deer eludes
its hunters
winter solstice---
I'll just wait
till Christmas Eve
bright day---
my ski sweater
gets lots of attention
before Christmas---
the overweight dolls
are on sale
slices of pepper
of all colors---
December sunset
morning rush---
a sparrow stays
on the sidewalk edge
she wears her red high heels---
I order champagne
by the glass
under the Christmas wreath
a note---
rain drops melt the ink
Monday, December 18, 2006
the office
Christmas party---
too much work
morning stillness---
a Great Grey Owl
sees me
mid December---
a want ad
for a chimney sweeper
beautiful winter dawn---
I ran out of
Jasmine tea
today marks six decades
that I follow my shadow---
where ever
Beethoven's birthday---
my neighbor plays
that deafening music again
overcast morning---
not enough sugar
in the rice pudding
Christmas lights
on bare trees---
I buy her more jewelry
morning commute---
the silence
of end of the year stress
all in red
and nothing is green---
December sunset
morning haze---
I keep recounting
how many Santas
got a penny?---
at a fountain
just before Christmas
a turtle hides---
full moon
lunch hour---
a kid asks me
where's Santa
m&m's sprinkled
all over the dark---
Christmas lights
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Sunday night---
she's still doing
today's sudoku
my breath
fogs the window
cold Saturday night---
the barmaid puts sake
in my green tea
morning stillness---
an icicle
starts to melt
as I ring my
doctor's doorbell---
a tree with no leaves on
morning rush
no one looks up---
the December coldness
melon in New York
is always in season---
Winter sunset
December day---
a woman in red
jumps the ATM line
early morning---
a biplane flies over
gliding seagulls
holidays shopping---
size of the tree
does matter
baldness becomes him---
full moon
from under a winter tree
first frost---
too much noise in the park
I put my hands on my ears
a chorus line
with pink cheeks kick high---
December sunset
morning stillness---
a kitten
Sunday, December 03, 2006
I bought a talking Santa
made in China---
Hu Hu Hu
early morning---
last night stardust
is on the lilacs
strange faces are out
this saturday night---
the moon
the storm passed---and
warnings of tornadoes
that were hot air
rainy Friday night---
I stop at a bar
to dry out
who is this
masked man?---
the moon
Union Square---
a herd of pigeons
chase away a human
a parrot sounds
a bit arrogant
the year close to its end---
a bonsai behind
trees on sale
overcast morning---
starting with
a blank slate
all the wires
are unplugged---
winter trees
morning rush---
the dozing lady has
a new red shopping bag
the Christmas lights
are not working---
the harvest is over
I hang the sickle---
crescent moon
Sunday, November 26, 2006
outside Bloomingdales
a tart in red---
Jingle Bell
morning stillness---
a towel covers
the parrot cage
the trees are bare---
a squirrel
climbs up my shoulder
viewing holidays
sun rays on my pen
a woman stole
our designated driver---
Black Friday---
so many turkeys
at the sales
rainy Thanksgiving Day---
a Bostonian
walks his Irish Setter
a dog patiently
waits for his plate---
Thanksgiving Day
a bartender
needs more olives---
the bridge lights turn on
brisk morning---
Mickey Mouse
floats by
a hare sinks further
in a bed of leaves---
late Autumn sunset
grey morning---
I check out a new
tanning salon
strings of lights
on bare trees---
and buy this!
Fifth Avenue station---
the sound of hoofs
on the pavement
Sunday, November 19, 2006
in a Jacuzzi
a ticklish man
keeps yelling stop
mid November---
a seashell
in the back of a drawer
Saturday night traffic---
a cyclist
rings his bell
a middle-aged man
blow-dries his hair---
late Autumn trees
Autumn sunset---
a birthday balloon
I will invite
a turkey to dinner
morning rush---
a blonde
with no lipstick
dark night---
a cat stretches
before going out
morning haze---
a street artist
paints the skyline
drizzly night---
I pick the anchovies
from my side of the pizza
the glass of a tower
facing east
a haggard old man
smokes a cigar---
late Autumn leaves
morning rush---
abandoned old shoes
at the last stop
morning stillness---
a deaf man listens
to the song of a bird
broken glass---
a prima donna
goes back to work
Sunday, November 12, 2006
the football game ends---
heavy rain makes
the loss heavier
morning haze---
so many sparrows
where the leaves used to be
on a bed of sapped leaves
a beauty sunbathes---
global warming
Veterans Day---
the children of Vietnam
are now of Iraq
a new grocer opens---
the flies still go
to the old one
end of the line---
a blind violinist
counts his change
warm day---
a green leaf in the midst
of yellow ones
he is tall and skinny
the other short and chubby---
so are their sticks
Autumn storm---
multicolored leaves
carpet a church driveway
the day after---
no one cast a vote
for Superman
coffee, cigarettes, beer---
and Windex to clean
after all that poison
perched on a tree
still can't see the forest
from the trees---full moon
cold wind at sunset---
I drink the last
drop of Chablis
pudgy seagulls
perched on the shore rocks---
Manhattan skyline
Sunday, November 05, 2006
On the road---
I pass a tree house
while riding in a mobile home
harvest moon sets---
a baker goes
to work
Saturday night---
moon light shines
on an empty bar
he vacuums the lawn
from the dead leaves
who vacuumed Summer air
full moon behind clouds---
she slips out
of her white satin gown
morning rush---
a subway rat
walks to work
I take a bite
off a little green apple---
the moon
sunny day---
shoveling dead leaves,
for more callouses
lanterns in the park
an ocean of yellow leaves
warm Autumn day---
Central Park Zoo
full of human smell
Halloween party---
a scarecrow
did not need make-up
Autumn sunrise---
a witch
hot sun
and cold wind---
a goblin torture
early morning---
sun rays strike
a little girl witch's hat
Sunday, October 29, 2006
dark Autumn night---
a sorcerer's apprentice
October last Sunday---
lost an hour
resetting an old clock
cold Saturday night---
the semetery ghosts
brown-bag it
pouring rain---
the landlord
turns on the heat higher
she wears a purple blouse
at sunset---
I order espresso
a fawn with a back
full of little nothings
a night owl
finally meets a real one---
full moon
morning cotton clouds---
the washer
stopped foaming
Autumn night---
a homeless man
has a pumpkin
cold morning---
nothing left
of last night apple pie
evening rush---
only the wind
is brisk
my morning train
delayed---a seagull
flies above the tracks
the smell of roasting
October sunset
a ditch digger
finds a brass doorknob
Sunday, October 22, 2006
overcast day---
I look at old pictures
in black and white
Sunday morning---
I look
for a Wal-Mart
a homeless man
wears a new garbage bag
morning stillness---
a dead leaf
shines in the sunlight
strong Autumn wind---
fallen leaves are back
at branch level
a cat sitting out
at sunset---
gray with yellow streaks
a swallow steals food
from two pigeons---
Autumn haze
Autumn morning---
neighborhood graffiti
has changed colors
Indian Summer---
some branches
are already naked
slow morning---
one more pigeon
joins the rest
rainy night---
the silence
outside the bodega
plaza fountain---
light paints petals
made of bubbles
October in the woods---
I look for ghosts
and witches for a party
blue sky---
a crow lands
in a ditch
Sunday, October 15, 2006
knock on the door---
she straightens the kinks
in her black dress
in a Japanese diner
a fly prefers
wind howls
on the boardwalk---
cold feet at sunset
Yunus economics---
how crumbs become wheat fields
won a Noble
green leaves dangle
in my face---I bow
yellow ones all over
standing before an ant
a man asks:
who am I
rush hour---
she forgot to wear
the other ear earing
a spider
built its web
above a mouse trap
morning stillness---
a vaccum tube
sucking fallen leaves
rainy afternoon---
the Yankees suffer
one more nose dive
brown cockroach
walks on a brown leaf---
I wear my leather jacket
art work in the park---
tree shadow
on the back of a canvas
morning headline:
"Another 60
Bodies Found---"
I see her at a fruit stand---
the sweet smell
of Fall apples
Columbus Day---
I shake the hand
of a Mohawk from Buffalo
Sunday, October 08, 2006
Autumn sunset---
a leaf falls
into the gutter
look east you see the sun,
west the moon---
what more do you want?
Autumn night---
a piece of bark
becomes a moth in my hand
I search a dark closet
for my red fleece sweatshirt
all the blue
tortilla chips are gone---
full moon
the violinist
in the train station
wants "no pennies"
Union Square anti-
war march---tired old
hippies and their kids
early morning---
an empty beer can
in an empty subway car
leaves start to fade---
I take my base ball
jacket to the cleaner
rush hour---a couple
stay standing by leaning
one against the other
Madison Square Park---
all the dogs
had their Autumn hair cut
hot day in Autumn---
a mosquito
gets one last wish
a turtle keeps peeking
out of its shell---
waxing gibbous
cool morning---
a fly shows
no interest in flying
Sunday, October 01, 2006
star gazing with
my back against a
broken street light
Sunday morning fog---
I got the hiccups
for no reason
Saturday college game---
too much kicking
for football
an ant inside
my slipper
survives a brisk night
a yellow half moon
green with envy
dark clouds
pour Autumn rain---
I comb my gray hair
Shea Stadium---
looks bigger
from an airplane
early morning---
waiting for the
alarm clock to ring
packing to go
back home---
I hear ''The Ode to Joy''
cloudy sky---
I get one more rice
pudding cup from the fridge
a fat duck
awash by green ---
Knightsbridge exit of Hyde Park
morning sunshine---
a pheasant
stays among tall grass
crowded bus---a man
whispers to another:
go to hell
clear day---
a duck keeps diving
into its water image
Sunday, September 24, 2006
in a Turkish restaurant
the belly dancer
has a Greek tattoo
Autumn equinox---
a swan glides in a pond
with the wings raised
a neighbor
ends her fast
Autumn morning clouds---
I go out to buy
more cinnamon
after Autumn rain---
the sun shines
on his face wrinkles
overcast morning---
I can't find
my blue suede shoes
''Hamlet'' brand
little cigars---
''Smoking kills''
a ballet dancer
picks up a rose
off the stage---thorns point
rush hour---
a contrail crosses
over stalled traffic
a cat looks
at a picture of a bird
Autumn wind
smells of apple pie
morning stillness---
a cat
is hungry
Hyde Park---
the ducks
are very polite
overcast day---
a city full of red buses
and black taxi cabs
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
Autumn clouds---
green leaves
Sunday morning---
my favorite bench
has spelled coffee
sitting in a bookstore---
she tells me
the story of her life
gloomy day---
I order another
half of grapefruit
on the way to
the airport---
I pass a pet turtle farm
a September fly
keeps flying
into my face
after all the violence
in the news---
Monday football
nine eleven---
a five year old kid
celebrates his birthday
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Sunday, September 10, 2006
a tennis ball
lands on the white line
Sharapova wins New York---
a tennis court
became her ballet stage
health food restaurant---
an old man
wants salt in his soup
the neighborhood witch
closes her blinds
the skyline on a cool
Autumn night---
and crisp Chardonnay
Union Square Park---
the dogs look happier
than the humans
orange blue full moon
in the horizon---
what lunacy!
after Labor Day
in the subway---
the clothes colors darken
city night stresses
his after five shadow---
full moon
mantis mating season---
I hope she
does not get ideas
first day of school---
all backpacks
are bulging
his first day of school
for the first time---
he forgets his name
abandoned sandals
on the green---
last day of Summer
Labor Day---
a police dog has to work
in the subway
Sunday, September 03, 2006
many fallen leaves
in last night storm---
they are still green
the lake is
full of swans
and she goes swimming
dreary day---
I watch on tv
old hurricane movies
after a hurricane---
not much in the news
till the next one
two old ladies
on a bus gossip---once home
I close my curtains
Bush gives a speech on Iraq---
the smell of sulfur
from lighting a match
suddenly the sound
of a fire alarm
seeing Fer-de-Lance---
you'll run faster
than Lance on a bicycle
beyond smoke stacks
and rain clouds---
a day moon
a sparrow snatched bread
from another
and flew to my porch
dreary day---
a fly keeps falling
down the window glass
happy hour---
the bar maid
keeps breaking glasses
dark street---
a stranger smiles
at me
late Summer---
I show off my karate
blows using peaches
a city dweller dreams---
a jungle
with eight million parrots
Sunday, August 27, 2006
around a lamp
in the sunlight---
a butterfly circles
overcast day---
a homeless man
puts on sunglasses
last weekend in August---
a cat
walks home slowly
a fly
on my computer screen
is at an Issa link
long pearl necklace dangles
under her umbrella---
and big rain drops
he cuts the weeds
in his drive way---
his head always shaved
she unties the bun
of her red hair---
August sunset
end of August---
a snail
takes it easy
his mother-in-law---
walks around the house
in her bikini
a squirrel
goes down the fire escape
bright day---
I look at the sky
searching for a haiku
a pigeon picks
at corn seeds---
my tooth ache returns
early morning---
a mocking bird
hovers over a crow
August midnight---
a city owl
goes home
Sunday, August 20, 2006
boring day---I put
shredded chocolate
on the no fat vanilla
morning---sun light
running through
my jasmine tea
August Saturday night---
the only ones still
in town are the bores
overcast day---
she wears
her orange dress
watching turtles stare
at me from under water---
Central Park Boat House
mid August morning---
like a funeral
is the subway
fallen tree---
the parking lot at a
funeral home is full
morning stillness---
a blank sheet of paper
flew away
she blushes as
she kisses me goodbye
clear morning---
a giant gold bar
in the western skyline
barbecue chicken joint---
two fat women
serve it with no bras
hot night---
I remember how
a sick wild duck fell
broken lighthouse---
with a flashing
red light on its top
early morning---
I spread suntan lotion
on rusted joints
Sunday, August 13, 2006
kids playing in
a parking lot--- hide only
behind US made cars
spreading bean paste
on a warm tortilla
Sunday leisurely walk---
all the mosquitoes
stayed home
cool morning---
the green leaves swing in
tandem with her brown hair
Friday night---
I rush there before they
run out of fried fish sandwich
too much red pepper
in my salad
a crossword puzzle
has for clue:
"a brief poem"
early morning---
no one in the courtyard
but a worm
obstructed full moon---
the hood tilting
on the head of a monk
as I wait for a bus---
a blond in a red sports
car passes
I can smell the
beef carpaccio to here
cool summer wind---
I stroll
to the subway
Italian cafe---
the World Cup crowd
still boasting
on a park bench
a blue jay stops
to look at me
Sunday, August 06, 2006
August at
Union Square---
only the pigeons and bums
bookies are taking bets
as to when---
Cuba libre
he walks a dog
on a leash and a cat---
moonless night
early morning---
the opera singer
is on a roll
it looks smaller
now the heat wave is gone---
making iced coffee
in the morning---
the buzz of a fan
cool metal with
the volume up---
the heat
fourth day of a heat wave---
Romeo sleeps
under the balcony
heat wave---
I hang out
in ice cream parlors
blueberry strawberry raspberry
makes lesss your misery
she bends down
to pick up a small coin---
August full moon
an ant climbs the wall
of a four star
french restaurant
evening cool---
finally the neighbor's
bitch shuts up
empty seats
at rush hour
Sunday, July 30, 2006
heat wave---
a kleptomaniac
steals designer water
Sunday morning---a crow
on the roof
of a church
hot afternoon---
a Mint Julep
and J. S. Bach
end of July---
a dog has no one
to bark at
summer afternoon---
forgot to buy yogurt
to put on the berries
the marina is packed
with boats---
rainy day
two kids race
their bikes around the fountain---
I twirl my key chain
the sound of whispers
as the subway
suddenly stopped
sidewalk cafe---
her "a" cups as she
serves our espresso
truck stop---
I take one sip
and spit
rubber hose
lining the street---
want some licorice?
sweltering night---
I put ice cubes
in the miso soup
a spider web glistens
in the sunlight---
a sticky day
morning stillness---
I feel the presence
of a mosquito
Sunday, July 23, 2006
raspberry syrup over
one scoop mango ice cream
the neighbors gone
on vacation---
I get to sleep late
black cherries on sale---
can you lose
weight on black cherries?
calm wind---
I turn off the bulb
and light a candle
heavy thunder storms
cause a power outage
hot day---
a jogger waiting
for the bus
ripe grapes---
the vineyard's owner
is on vacation
rush hour---
she stops for
a cappuccino to go
a summer breeze
playing with my hair---
I let it
a thunder storm
lights up the sky---
I'm on the wrong street
a spider web
swings in the wind---
empty hammock
walking with
the umbrella open---
sunlight showers
just the two of us---
I at one end of the bar
she's at the other
morning rush hour---
the smell of sun screen
in the subway
Sunday, July 16, 2006
a horse fly
on the window glass---
please swat me
early morning---
nothing left
of last night gumbo
a ripe peach---
I stain my beige
I can't find
where she hid
the chocolate I bought her
Bastille Day---
the chef cuts
the heads of the catfish
on the subway---
man with long hair
next to a bald woman
on a crowded
a kite refuses to go up
overcast morning---
a fruit vendor
peels mango
a midsummer downpour---
she takes off
her long pearl necklace
heat wave---
a streetwalker
goes to the boardwalk
clicking glasses
with an old friend---
he made the whiskey
I cut a peach
into halves
I bought shirts on sale---
two for the price
of one sushi meal
the train is late---
a sparrow pacing
back and forth
Sunday, July 09, 2006
World Cup final---
Italy plays
salsa band
in the park---
she wears red high heels
summer day---
I can't find
something to do
I find money
in a drawer
eating all natural
peach jam---
the smell of her soap
no mirror
can tell you truly
what you are
lost mail---
I open a window
to let a butterfly out
Madison Square Park---
the fountain has pennies
but no water
rainy morning---
my shower
is not working
tour de france---
how do they go
to the bathroom?
after a long weekend---
many dozing
on the subway
independence day---
someone dropped
a tea bag in the pool
soaring bald eagles---
all about a chance
to fulfill a dream
July sunset---
waiting for the fireworks
to really paint this sky red
early July---
a kid wants money
to buy fire crackers
storms throw me
off my horse down a river---
I get picked up by a nymph
Sunday, July 02, 2006
hot day---
I wouldn't be here
if I were a penguin
sunday morning---
the designated driver
returns home
scratching off candle wax
with a penny---
a half moon
morning stillness---
a dragon broke
into pieces
western swing
night in the park---
the fireflies stay cool
eating brown
rice sushi---
sand inside my sandals
#hate/love tanka
one digs deeper
because of hate
the other digs deeper
because of love---
at the end they meet each other
rain showers in spots---
one spot
was my head
outdoors wedding
reception---a fly
pursuing the bride
offering her green grapes---
she makes
a sour expression
live swing music
in the park---a turtle
goes home
one more foggy night
haiku---this time to say
I miss you moon
a fly looking
for an open window
to get out of my house
world cup game---
the crickets are cheering
the wrong team
at the entrance
of the subway---
a lost shoe
Sunday, June 25, 2006
beach rainy day---
can't remember who said
life is a beach
sunday morning---
a priest asks me
for directions
in an old box---
I found "Paradise Lost"
walking fast---
my eyeglasses
covered with rain drops
#doctor tanka
they yelled is there
a doctor in the house?---
as a kid I had a toy
doctor bag to induce me
to grow up to be one
slapping and bubbling---
the two parts of a mermaid
are estranged
foggy morning---
the two parts of a mermaid
are estranged
long day in the park---
a mosquito
comes back to bite
union square station---
the less clothes people wear
the hotter it gets
an older girl
on the swing---
the others giggle
the world cup game
is still scoreless---
summer solstice
#summer solstice
summer solstice---
too short a night
to remember her name
breezy day---
a butterfly
and I collide
#squeak tanka
the laundry rope
across an ally squeaks---
while the woman
pulling on it squeaks
about the landlord
early morning---
a bird hasn't sung
any thing new for hours
lying on his surf board---
near a toy
black sailboat
first summer moon---
light in my heart
clouds in my eyes
the orange volley ball
served into the sea
Sunday, June 18, 2006
fathers day---
he would have asked me
why haiku
clean streets,
shiny cars---
and no pedestrians
long summer walk---
she massages
her calluses with a pine cone
early morning---
last night disagreement
there is more foam
to my beer than the surf
morning sky---
the pigeons
are hungry
a little girl dances
in the park---
partner is imaginary
Summer time
in Union Square---
Oh! Calcutta
sunlight strikes
the wine decanter---
the frizzles of her red hair
the third time
the guest wants a fresh towel---
the waiter drops the towel
rush hour---
sitting next to a woman
going to the beach
all park benches are taken---
she sits at
the other end of mine
hitting a ball
against a park wall---
the cracks of my past
she pours me jasmine
flavored tea
early morning---
a man yelling
at a barking dog
Sunday, June 11, 2006
cold night---
an ant creeps
under my foot
the party is over---
silently the leaves
dance to the wind
under my desk---
a spider builds
its own wires network
down town
after hours---
high heels echoing
a cricket
sounds lonely
the woman who
moved next door---
gets many late night callers
friday morning---
a school kid
yells: "I don't want to go"
hazy evening---
a distant light
has a tail
street soccer---
for the next world cup
chili dinner---
a heart-burn
cooked by a heart-throb
heavy rain---
an open umbrella
floats down the street
on the floor, the paper string
from a Hershey's kiss---
acting like a worm
a drunk raises
his bottle and winks---
a half moon
morning stillness---
she combs
her hair
dense fog---
a bat can't see
where he's going
behind me---an old lady
carrying an empty
bamboo cage
Sunday, June 04, 2006
the coffee
is almost done
overcast sky---
a smoke column
moves horizontally
overcast day,
drawn in chalk on a
playground wall---the sun
at a meeting---
some one with
the same ring tones as me
sudden downpours
both softball teams
go to the same bar
buying a metrocard
with a credit card
from a machine---thank you
in the subway
a Darwin look alike
stares at me
morning fog---
a white rabbit
takes it easy
sunset--- the clouds make
the end of a long summer day
the noise from the street
blocks the noise
of the neighbors
water shoots up
from fountains---
calla lilies bloom
hot day---
a smoke column
shaped like a dragon
the sun shines
while it rains---
I think of my ex
early morning---
watching fishermen
talk more than fish
Sunday, May 28, 2006
at a V
shaped by two branches---
a kid aims his sling
memorial day---
a four-year-old boy looks
at Iraq's map
beaches open---
the girls of last summer
are in bigger bikinis
the old lady
who feeds the pigeons
sends her daughter
in line to see
a Tom Hanks movie---
two nuns
at the station---
a soccer ball stands
at the end of the platform
late spring afternoon---
the sky is full
of cats and dogs
early morning---
the crow doesn't get
the song of the mocking bird
no one noticed
her antique ruby necklace
early morning
blue sky---
I wipe my eyeglasses
she's cooking peas
from her garden---
the dog wags his tail
a clear day---
the hum of a chopper
circling above
on the subway---
a woman next to me
has big hips
eating ripe strawberries
for breakfast---
gusty wind
the gypsy woman says:
when it's hot, it's hot
when it's not, it's not
Sunday, May 21, 2006
sunday afternoon
rain shower--- cleaned
my boots
late spring---
the daffodils
saturday sunset---
everyone getting
ready for the night time
morning stillness---
dew drops
on the fire escape
afternoon thunder storm---
she fluffs the curls
of her blond hair
for online dating---
what is your sex?
rainy morning---
a dripping faucet
woke me up
I put a seashell
to my ear---
it says stop polluting
beyond good and evil
is a jungle---
full of funny beasts
walking to school---
a contrail marks
a blank sky
eating the rest of the
cherry pie a la mode
early morning---
a happy ending
to last night rain storm
sidewalk cafe---
a pigeon waits
the server bring out food
morning haze---
I keep hearing
the buzz of a fly
clouds clearing
the sun comes out---
horses race in the sky
morning fog---
the tops of towers
are blanking out
Sunday, May 14, 2006
mothers day---
slow traffic
at the cemetery
overcast morning---
a cat stares
at a crow
dark clouds moving in---
kids blow at them
soap bubbles
someone knocking
on the door---
I can't find my eyeglasses
fog at dusk---
my gray hairs
pass unnoticed
walking fast---
my umbrella
has a hole in it
gloomy day---
I bought strawberries
and put on them yogurt
morning rush hour---
the conductor announces
the wrong station
the smell of peeled
at daybreak
overcast day---
I watch out
for worms on the sidewalk
moonless night---
a mosquito
keeps on trying
day laborers
waiting for the contractor
an old man gazing
at wilted lilacs
early morning---
a girl with heavy make-up
going home
Sunday, May 07, 2006
rushing home at sunset---
the smell of cooking
in the elevator
my neighbor's
flower garden---
her favorite color is purple
spring cleaning
my room---
I found a new spider
saturday morning
softball game---
a crow making catcalls
late spring---
a warm sun
brought out the tight t-shirts
the ants
are looking blacker
going home---she dozes
while reading the flyer
of a hypnotist
city sky line---
trying to tell
the clouds from the smoke
dark clouds at sunset---
hope they are gone
by moonrise
looking out
of the window---
wishing I were a falcon
picking the last
cloudy sky---
nothing left
of last night rice pudding
a kid next to me
having his hair cut
for the first time
may day---
the idea of paying all workers
is very recent
spring light rain---
I close
the umbrella
Sunday, April 30, 2006
in a cafe---
there are more people
studying than talking
sunday morning---
still hearing
the noise of last night party
stuck in traffic
in the lincoln tunnel
a cat in the window---
listens to a
mockingbird meow
#mosquitoes( after Issa)
two mosquitoes
keep arguing
over my pillow
chilly evening---
I can hear the rustle
of the new leaves
as I eat my breakfast---
a sparrow
waits for his
sitting on a fence
above welted
yellow tulips---a crow
morning stillness---
the roof is dripping
on the azaleas
the prices on the sign
of a gas station---
highway robbery
riding to work in a one
specie ecosystem
listening to jazz
in a tibetan tea house
early morning---
an ant waits
for me to pass
outside a store that
sells wedding dresses
a cherry tree
just gave birth
to many bright green leaves
the smell
of cooking beets
Monday, April 24, 2006
the fog making
the smoke look too pushy
morning fog---
to write about
cold and rain all day---
an iterant worker
managed to smile
cold morning---
newly sprouted leaves
nice spring day
I close the window---
the street is too noisy
early morning---
both of my neighbors
did not smile
union square---
blood red tulips
at the feet of lafayette
late spring
morning chill---
the cherry blossoms stay calm
a kid rides a black horse
covered with red roses
for fifty cents
waiting for the train---
a seagull hovers
over the tracks
a subway stop
with a view of
the skyline---a long wait
in a jacuzzi
she tells me
she's an opera singer
baring skin in the sun
is still harmless but---
who needs these bumps!
cloudless sky---
a smoke column
rises horizontally
a holiday weekend---
the silence of the street
makes me whisper
Sunday, April 16, 2006
morning walk---
I buy bread
wrapped around a boiled egg
a backgammon game
stopped by the sound
of clicks of high heels
dense fog---
the early morning charm
of blanks
Good Friday---
a steady drizzle
at sunset
beautiful spring day---
a woman next to me
eats a strawberry
this N train is going
to Queens---she announced
in a southern accent
holy week grey sky---
a sparrow
does not sing
someone left
the chocolate bunnies
out in the noon sun
sunset blocked by clouds---
I imagine
a favorite rerun
mid april---
a friend offers me
a chocolate egg
a fruits and veggies store---
their cat sits in front
of the cash register
monday morning---
the boss puts his feet
up on his desk
toy bunnies
in a neighborhood park---
driving the dogs crazy
riding the subway---
alone with a stranger
and her two cats
sunny sunday---
a cool spring breeze
tickles my feet
the red lights of a tower
stay on
Sunday, April 09, 2006
late night,
passing a football on the street---
the moon
morning stillness---
the mailman sitting
with his legs crossed
a black cat
trying to be friendly
early morning---
a grey pigeon
keeps flying back to my windowsill
seedless grapes---
the skin is very hard:
I spit
cold morning---
when will the trees
have leaves?
snow flake april showers---
the petals
of the cherry trees
early morning---
a column of smoke
posing with the clouds
cloudy night---
they are up on the roof
for just soulgazing
kids on
a schhool trip---
dragging their feet
spring rain---
my umbrella is
the only thing I see blooming
monday morning---
trying to save myself
from day light saving time
nice spring day---
the trees are still
with no leaves
spring cleaning---
the dust of winter
is heavier
dropping one more coin
in the slot machine---
crescent moon
Saturday, April 01, 2006
red shirt black shoes
big car--- busy streets
old friend good food happy face
early morning---
the old man downstairs
has a new parrot
friday night---
hanging out with her friends
she pretends not to see him
march madness---
the office manager
wants his money back
beautiful spring day---
a teacher keeps looking
out of the window
first warm spring day---
going to work
in sandals
traffic stopped
cars are honking---
a cherry blossom lined street
a beach fruit vendor
packing his goods---
sunny day---
searching for
cherry blossoms that bloomed
after school---
his mother teaches
him soccer
cold spring morning---
nothing has blossomed
but my goose bumps
a leisurely walk
through a slum
not a cloud any where---
the neighbor's daughter
blows her bubble gum
late night,
amongst the garbage bags
a cat thinks---which one?
sunday siesta---
under my window
a bum is humming
warm night---
turning off my house lights
to gaze at city lights
fruit flavored
frozen yogurt---limp
lilacs lie on the tables
the chess game dragging---
someone starts
planning a coup
Saturday, March 25, 2006
light entangled in
a tree---
dances to the wind
new teacher from Japan---
his English
is better than my yoga
the Chrysler Building lights
the sky
eating lunch out
on Wall Street---
the sparrows look well fed
moonless night
on the river walk---
silently he misses her
pleasant summer day---
cloud like the top
of a carousel
summer near its end---
I paint the roof
broken homes,
single neighbors have children---
just for the weekend
day moon---
I have no change
for the parking meter
reading room---
the silence of turned pages
punctuated by snores
[inspired by a haiku Bill Kenney posted in urban-ku yahoo group]
in the clouds,
my childhood gold fish
#it's a Union Square
long kisses---
they break
to look at the full moon
winter sunset
... an old man
digs a ditch
my shadow suddenly scares me---
full moon
predawn stillness---
a melon scented candle
burns out
#summer grass
summer grass
after the rain---
I walk bare foot
piercing bricks,
my neighbor's drumming
[inspired by a haiku of Basho: stillness: piercing the rocks, cicadas' voices]
stop asking me---
do it your way,
dog keeps barking,
I ring a bell for him---
he stops
wilted leaves
where samurai swords
used to pierce
#variation on Basho's haiku 44: "warriors" (1689)
Basho's haiku:
summer grasses grow thick where the warriors used to dream
My haiku:
wilted leaves
where samurai swords
used to pierce
thunder storms
herald cool air ---
I light up a cigar
#it's a Union Square
Union Square farmers' market---
a pregnant woman
sizes up melons
morning haze---
a ferris wheel
cracks the sky
#variation on Basho's haiku 43 (1689)
Basho's haiku:
one paddy planted, I walk away from the willow
My haiku:
one paddy planted---
I am off
to play cricket
#variation on Basho's haiku 42: "spring departs---" (1689)
Basho's haiku:
spring departs and in the eyes of fish tears
My haiku:
summer arrives
and in the eyes of fish
tears---for real
hot day---
with yellow sea turtles
The sparrows on asphalt---
almost invisible
at sunset
dry night---
a firefly tries
to enter my nose
early morning---
sun light shines
rusted iron
a red and yellow kite
short night---
a tramp had his fill
of empty beer cans
the soft look---
a manatee
had a lot of mall practice
the sparrows feast
on millet, the pigeons---
left over rice
#variation on Basho's haiku 41: "Sparrows" (1688)
Basho's haiku:
A good house: sparrows delight in millet behind the back door
My haiku:
the sparrows feast
on millet, the pigeons---
left over rice
#variation on Basho's haiku 40: "Octopus" (1688)
Basho's haiku:
Octopus traps -- fleeting dreams -- the summer moon
My haiku:
an octopus trapped,
I set it free---
back to my summer dreams
#variation on Basho's haiku 38: "Fishermen's Faces" (1688)
Basho's haiku:
Fishermens' faces were seen first, then the poppy flowers
My haiku:
fishermen's faces----
I stop eating
dried cod
the bridge lights come on---
someone cooking rice
a sail boat stops---
puffed red clouds
full moon---
the light house
morning tai chi---
a shadow
wants to fight
spider web on the window shelf
very hot night---
the dogs haven't barked
for hours
#Lance Armstrong
I finally got
a yellow band---
Lance Armstrong
the alarm clock
keeps ringing
#two women
two women
have coffee on a roof---
puffed red drawings
keeps squeaking---
pulling the rope
to hang from her window laundry
it swings as she bows---
her yellow roses
a dressed woman
comes out of the cake---
grandpa soon to rewed
skeptic bookie
takes bets---
sun will rise tomorrow
behind the skyline
a higher skyline of red clouds
subway ride---
a kid asks a cop
what's in his pocket
#deep sea
deep sea---nothing is left
#Variation on Basho's "Pea Crab"
Basho's haiku 34 (1687):
A pea crab crawls up my leg from the clear water.
My haiku:
a lobster clutching
my big toe---
I pee on it
on a London bus
sightseeing in New York---
some patrons were handcuffed
[Note: true story]
I arrived late,
saw the aftermath
painted trees on a store's window---
cactus plants
sit outside
passed me,
asked for a quarter---
and smiled
Saturday's night,
a traffic island park---
the women ain't shy
early morning---
a Ralph Lauren suit
walking a poodle
walking at night,
I came across a fine pumpkin---
full moon
a red cloud lingers
over the Empire State Building
hot weather sale,
two for the price of one---
#Google Moon
I tried Google Moon---
grey dust
all over my fingers
city summer nights---
an Eskimo dreams
of his hometown
weeds grew around
a fire hydrant---
hiding it completely
heat wave---
listening to the cricket
while sitting in Starbucks
today's date same as when the Spanish Civil War started*---
[*July 18, 1936]
#in line
standing in line to buy
mini muffins, I turned---
hers were in my face
#variation on Basho's Haiku 31
Matsuo Basho's Haiku 31 (1687) "Skylarks"
Through this long day, the skylarks have not sung enough
My haiku:
with so many crickets
who needs
the skylark
hot night---
the moon just came out
of the swimming pool
foggy morning---
my neighbors
forgot wearing clothes
Saturday night---
a church organist
listens to Metallica
an ant ascends
my leg
Friday night---
a gigolo complains
about his sex life
#July fifteen
July fifteen---
a day later,
the lights are red, white, and blue
late night---
a spider crawling
Internet Explorer
#it's a Union Square
Union Square's half moon---
still looking for
its other
lunch break---
a butcher makes himself
a sandwich
summer afternoon---
under cumulus clouds
flipping hamburgers
the pizza
just arrived
almost forgotten---
the wind now and then
whistles her name
high noon on a lawn---
me and a cute bird
eating lunch
bikini panties
glowing in the dark---
crescent moon
tango in the park---
her knee swings up
too far
firefly in the subway---
the batteries never
run out
clear sky---
till what's left of
the next hurricane arrives
a summer rainy day---
I took a nap,
then another
riding the subway---
fog and rain
London and New York
are sisters---
hand in hand they walk
going to a dance
in the park---
I carry my umbrella
pigeons eating
left over rice---
they like it
gray ocean---
I stay home and listen
to B.B.King
lost on the street---
the statue of a saint
faces the right way
watching the fireworks---
suddenly the sky
has a ceiling
independence day,
all men are created equal---
even them
#sunset July third, 2005
red, white, and blue stripes---
the stars later
#a variation on Basho's azaleas
Azaleas arranged, beside them a woman dries cod.
Matsuo Basho, haiku #23, 1685
late afternoon---
a farmer rests her feet
beside the azaleas
western swing in the park---
on a count of eight
the fireflies light up
a beetle, the gates
of windows, and you too
say love africa
above the el
a seagull passed
star gazing---
a little ant walks
inside a comet
[Note:On July 4th a NASA probe, Deep Impact will walk inside a comet, Temple
1, send pictures of it to Earth and then burn out.]
#it's a Union Square
the sun shines while it rains---
nothing stays undisputed
at Union Square
eating watermelon,
after the melon all gone---
moonless night
afternoon breakfast---
eggs sunny side up
are almost over
the heat!
last night I dreamed
I was in a blizzard
hot night---
a mouse trapped
by a cool breeze
nothing to do
but staring
quickly a squirrel
crossed the side walk---
I said: you're a rat
a kid keeps moving
chairs around---
but the music doesn't stop
a city playground---
from its cement sprouts
some wild weeds
sunset in the park---
a kid scores
a slam dunk
cleaned the oven---
now baked potatoes will
smell like pine trees
popping on roof tops---
the relay cells
of cell phones
early morning---
cursing the inventor
of car alarms
as nights get warmer
voices on the roof
get softer
#it's a Union Square
Union Square---
rats cross
to enter their subway
gray and pink lines upside down---
I spilled my tequila sunrise
early morning---
motors are mowing down
a dead tree
at a distance
a towering inferno
a crane next
to water lilies---
construction in the park
#Lincoln Center
Lincoln Center Plaza,
Artie Shaw band plays---
next the frogs at the pond
#Battery Park
Battery Park---
across the waters
stands a big lady
boring night---
the cricket keeps repeating
sparrows on the tree
soon it will be all dark
early morning---
stuck in traffic,
the sound of a fog horn
#fathers day
fathers day---
he stops to buy him
ice cream
trees run then stop---
looking out of a train
first time
a tree with dense leaves,
under it were spun
many summer dreams
#at the movies
summer afternoon
at the movies---
a rude awakening
two flowers
side by side---
I pick one, not the other
a cool breeze
caresses green leaves
thunderstorms over---
the Chrysler Building's
eagles glisten
life in the fifties
so sweet and simple---
a lost ant back in the fold
painted on the roof
across my window---
the ears of a red spaniel
kids buy ices
from a passing vendor
walking to the dentist,
in the hot sun---
my mouth feels real dry
walking at night
naked limps
lunch hour downtown---
the sound of crows
drowns all other sound
a day at the pond,
I feel content like
a lotus_eater
#it's a Union Square
hot Saturday night,
out late in the park---
Eve forgot her fig leaf
early morning
a pigeon cooing:
another hot day
I doze in the subway,
wake up at Coney Island
hot day---
two sparrows play
hide and seek under a car
#summer solstice
summer solstice---
I click glasses
with shadows
#ice cream store
new ice cream store,
at the door two bicycles
lie entangled
the leaves swing
to a cool breeze
#your side
how about you tell me
your side of the story
dusk on my porch---
I can still see
the dafodils
#on high
keep it on "high cool"---
for a moment I thought
we're in July, not June
hot and humid Sunday,
I go to a bar to cool down---
no ice
at eight thirty
it's sixty degrees---
and sunny
neighbors having
a backyard party---
I could overhear the kissing
#sky window
hot day---
his car won't start,
he opened the sky window
the parakeet
at odds with the parrot---
it's plagiarism
#it's a Union Square
cold evening---
the sax player
switches to baritone
#Fat Cat
Fat Cat ran to the
next window to keep
spying on a police dog
crow walking
on a tar covered roof---
low clouds
laptops, cell phones, and
mint chip _mocha cups---
horse drawn carriages outside
#my frog haiku
Basho's frog haiku:
Furu ike ya Old pond!
kawazu tobikomu frog jumps in
mizu no oto water’s sound
my frog haiku:
I'm sick and tired
of you frog---
go jump in a lake
in shorts at night---
she bypasses Tiffany's
going to the gym
I looked up the name:
tonight's is Waning Crescent---
the moon
that same rhythm
page after page---
I fall asleep
the old man's staring---
his wife left him
for a younger man
May sun sets
behind two trees---
I hear echoes of bells jingle
cars honk
at a stop sign
a millipede crosses---slowly
that old crow's been
in enough haiku
to fill a Yahoo mail account
#haiku moments
haiku moments---
suddenly you stop,
you go back and look
the rain hitting the window
is saying sambuca
#Memorial Day
Memorial Day---
flag draped coffins
still arrive
Friday morning---
that same old boring
blue eyed blond,
blue scarf, blue coat, blue umbrella---
#it's a Union Square
naked women on the grass---
in bronze
by Rene Letourneur
at the metro card machine,
with a gun---
Pancho Villa's mustaches
#on cell
at Starbucks
the voice of Ella dwarfed
by the voice of Ella on cell
the trees fully grown leaves
hide lower level
#City Ballet Review: May 24, 2005
cool rainy day---
I go
to the ballet
City Ballet danced
Bach's Goldberg Variations,
by Robbins--it's sunny
Cameron Grant's
playing the piano---
I felt grand
partnering Weese---
Peter Boal's
very sweet
and Neal's---
beautiful little bird
many jumps to second
and tour---and tour---and tour---
that's mine!
then Glass Pieces---
also by Robbins,
dancers walk but go no where
going back home---
it warmed up
and the rain stopped
on her chair
on the porch---
a feather
toasted bagel
and cappuccino---
her delicate oriental looks
pen and paper
writing haiku
my duty every day
#the moon
I woke up feeling someone
pointing a light saber at me---
the moon
#it's a Union Square
all benches full---
except the with pigeon shit
strewn ones
from her Ann Taylor
shopping bag,
sticks out a baguette
depleted sunlight,
her shadow and her
become one
New York's well fed pigeons:
first walk--- then run--- then fly---
just kick their ass!
my boss
wrote a haiku
about his nose
nice day,
eating lunch outside---
two men discuss Plato
at a locksmith: covering
the store's windows
locked steel gates
rain and one grayish green celebrated
#the Zoo
the Zoo in May---
the young of animals
and humans
a rope walker
#mid may
mid may---
the sun's heat caresses;
the shade's cool air tickles
#a cat
a cat
at night
walking---then jumped into the bushes
ocean viewing---
with each soft caress
the splashing of the surf
under a streetlight
a dog walker
on a beach---
a seashell whispers
a distant lover's heart beat
hot day---
graffiti on the roofs
#a ride?
on the train after school
a two seater bicycle---
need a ride?
Sony Atrium---
the smell of rubber,
Spider Man walks the ceiling
Madison Square Park lunch time--
a sparrow's looking
to see who's new
#mothers' day
mothers' day---
I wish I could still say:
"o I forgot to call her"
cleaning man in the subway
plays golf:
broom stick and an m&m
#in line
standing in line---
she smiled baring her midriff,
I smiled bearing it all
still not dark enough to view
the Empire State Building's lights
bored to tears,
the crocodile
chews on weeds
rush hour---
he gives his seat,
she carries a Victoria's Secret bag
at the foot of
a black glass tower
wilted lilacs
side walk potted flowers sale---
calla lilies:
eight dollars each
one of New York's finest
to a star obstacle vaulter
the clown
at his desk
counting his marbles
fly on the window
awe stricken---
plane lands at LaGuardia
#no showing off
fog covered skyline---
just lights
and no showing off
#rain check
sun set---
nothing doing
I took a rain check
haiku wrapped insect---
click "delete"
brick paved street
at the cemetery
these empty lines---
waiting for their "moment"
and click on "send"
spring purple rose---
choosing love
over war
morning fog---
the marina sinks
boat by boat
#summer time
summer time---
and the baker has
a sale
the doctor tending the patient---
the Yankees
playing tonight
#red lights
foggy night---
all is left
are blinking red lights
the scent of a rose,
not the rose itself---
has a metal stem
pouring rain---
through a hole for two minutes
the sun watched
#sun set
sun set---
too soon slipped in a cloud belt
and set it on fire
#spring cleaning
spring cleaning day:
some weird living things---
also dead
end of the subway line
outside the station---
an H&R Block
on the sidewalk
next to the tulips
a tulip in chalk
#snow shower
cold wind gusts---
snow shower
from apple blossoms
a waterfall of light
gushing out of dark clouds
at the street fair:
ride a pony
for real---from Kentucky
all his money gone
he's still reading
the racing paper
checking the forecast---
the radar is prettier
than rain in person
in a subway tunnel
a worker sings
his ears muffled
walking passing
much apple blossom---
many April weddings
#it's a Union Square
red and yellow tulips
in Union Square---
Gandhi poses
[In Union Square, New York City there is a statue of Gandhi cast while he is
retired Checker cab
repainted Yankee's
blue and white
small tree
with small new leaves---
tickles the ears
#french fries
long yellow finger nails---
eating french fries
at McDonald
#new Pope
short wait
for white Sistine smoke
dark street---
green half moon
through spring apple blossom
sign in the subway:
"hold tight"---
at rush hour hold the others
#it's a Union Square
Washington on a horse---
the army behind him
is sun bathing
from the State Capitol
never white smoke
#hand in hand
a spring Sunday afternoon--
scantly dressed bodies
walk hand in hand
Sunday morn'
walked too far west---
someone singing gospel
some haiku---
an art store
in a suburban mall
the City from across
the East River---
concrete Titans
taking photos---
a shadow
did not miss any shadows
Saturday morning---
in an empty booth
a left over sports section
early morning---
the sound of a garbage truck
#another pointing haiku
a little girl
points to a star
with a wand
#on the wagon
cool dry April days---
pigeons going
on the wagon
two junkyard dogs
at a Porche speeding by
#over the hill
over the hill yuppies---
even donut shops
now serve espresso
#the sun
the sun in my eyes;
soon it will set---
I keep looking
a grey hound in the midst
of Saturday afternoon shoppers
crescent moon
before dark---
little buds
all over bare branches---
the Brooklyn Bridge---
did make you feel breathless?
#this week we got reminded
why Henry VIII
told the Pope
go jump in a lake
Mexican food take out-
chicken feet soup
upon request
early spring---
baby pigeons
eating with the sparrows
#old man
cloudy morning---
the old man at his desk
secreting a haiku
#a frog
a frog stares at me
from under a rock---
I say no
#amusement park
sleet storm---
umbrellas bump and rebound
like cars in an amusement park
early spring
flaky showers---
seagulls shed feathers
#reason you believe
some times the reason
you believe what you believe
is just luck
the sounds of the Dead,
the smell of incense---
Marcuse covered with dust
vernal equinox---
the rain didn't feel different
than autumn's
early spring rain---
leafless branches
I can still see
my neighbor read
too cold to open a window
but still---spring
March seventeen---
the nurse wears
green shoes
spring at a swamp---
a see thru shrimp
digests its food
spring fever---
freshly painted
cherry red graffiti
day dreaming---
summer nights on a hammock:
crescent moon
mid March---
soon it'll be shamrocks
all over
florescent short nail
in a dark club---
crescent moon
evening blue sky---
shredded cotton
cafe with a telescope;
I looked---
a huge moon hangs from a ceiling
outside my window
Saturday morning---
soap bubbles rise
#Ballet News: ballet booing
[UK News]: The characters of Prince Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles were
booed by dance fans attending the Manchester premiere of the ballet "Diana,
the Princess."
Otherwise, fans at the Palace Theater were noisily appreciative of the
interpretation by Danish choreographer Peter Schaufuss and Zara Deakin, who
plays the late princess.
still not as bad
as booing---
Nijinsky "Rights of Spring"
#Ballet Talk: booooo!
when my ballet is done
it'll have plenty ballet baddies to
#dig me?
red light on tall building
whispering to passing planes:
dig me?
early morning---
still watching the water
brewing my tea
#cool down
beige fury cat
out on the sidewalk
lies on her back to cool down
snow of
yesterday's storm---
wear your eyes-shades
clean blue sky---
smoke gushing out;
red and white tall chimney
after the snow ended
some one lit a fire---
in the horizon
walking to the dentist
in a snow storm---
grinding glass
a trail of petals
leading to a window sign:
"find out who loves you"
finally it warmed up---
I didn't wear my rabbit
jet plane so high---
on a glass door
red tiled slanted
roofs over look
a rocky beach
leafless trees
behind a mesh wire fence-
above it barbed wire
#on the rocks
Tiffany lamps hang
from the ceiling---
I say Campari on the rocks
#snow girl
a snow man in a
school play ground is
a snow girl
sun is out,
but the air is cold---
soon will start spring training
more snow flurries
fueling more temper furies
at morbid weather
fresh snow--- all foot prints
lead away from entrance
to the subway
snow flakes move in the air-
like heat agitated
water molecules
#no where
tree looks like a map
roads going---
no where
asked for mint
ice cream, I got pistachio-
ate it
full moon,
Friday night-
knock on wood
you wouldn't know it's winter
till you look down-
snow falls in large flakes
like white confetti---
nothing to celebrate
some faint red light
still left in the horizon--
I pour more wine
spring day,
birds perched on the roof---
I clean my windows
#the other side!
full moon before sunrise
pretends to be the sun---
the other side!
gray sky,
walking in slush---
spiky trees
a President's Day snow storm---
all mush
and no grits
cloudy sky---
a blond
passes by
#red ears
beckoning cat
in a Chinese take-out--
has red ears
cold air outside my window,
giant refrigerators---
a dog chases ducks
into the pond---
the ice finally cracked
#bird feeder
a bird feeder hangs from a branch-
sparrows more than buds
by two to one
cold and cloudy
early Thursday morning---
I go back to sleep
#sun set
sun set---
the storm ends, the sky clears,
one cloud catches fire
the streets are flooded-
I use my umbrella
to measure depth
a blind woman
lead by a dog stops---
another dog passes by
I keep looking
for the other half of the scale---
a half moon
the rain stopped, the sun shines,
and the crow perched
on his usual place
rained all day---
the puddles got deeper,
my jumps shorter
the rain comes down
in strings
of little pearls
it's a Union Square Valentine Day:
two haiku
nothing red
except the sign of
the black dog
of the label black and white
is happy to be here
ladders lie
in storage on a roof ---
end of the line is a dive
crescent moon beams over
Manhattan sky line---
another tourist
busy streets, snow all gone,
as normal the sidewalks are
#Paris Hilton
she looked so cool
on the Letterman show---
that's hot
#Valentine Day
Valentine Day---
the grocery store has a sale
on garlic
strong cold wind---
I follow the smell of cooking
to the nearest food cart
#jelly beans
viewing the soon
to be flowers--
a jar of jelly beans
strong wind rolling
empty cans on my roof---
intense heavy metal
behind the doll
as it moves on stage
a man's shadow
#Ash Wednesday
Ash Wednesday---
for a moment I thought
her forehead was bleeding
in white robe and stethoscope
out on the street
for her cigarette break
dark clouds will rain
here may be
cloudy day--
I let the crow
feel welcome
she sips coffee--
one ear wired to an ipod
the other at her cell
quiet morning-
a mockingbird
answers his own call
#last month
the sun as it sets--
than at noon, last month
warm and sunny--
is empty
Super Bowl Sunday--
I am viewing
the colts beat the rams
#Leonardo DiCaprio
so it's the environment,
and how about the Indians-
God Father
in a cafe five foreign men argue,
one stands up-
to make a point
clear blue sky-
warm sun light
washes away gray dirty snow
#the sparrows
early morning
the sparrows
doing better than the competition
#it's a Union Square
sandwiched at Cosi
between people-
I ate a sandwich
the snow melted a little:
my neighbor
washes his Jeep
the snow on the roots
recedes, the buds
on the branches proceed
between an orange blue sky
and night fall
the smell of garlic
the fish know
we are here
#ocean viewing
ocean viewing---
suddenly a wave
made by a dolphin
a white coiffured poodle
on the snow
#it warmed
it warmed enough to feel
like driving south four
hundred miles last month
#cell people
no one is as happy
talking to real people
as to their cell
#street dirt
yesterday's pure white
today's street dirt
#a duck
reddish brown pigeon-
walks like
a duck
#up or down
bright sun, snow cover-
you wince whether
looking up or down
duplicate houses-
even the snow amount
in each garden
#on the street
on the street
before the mass starts-
a man smokes
#bull fighters
lifting weights in the gym
two retired
bull fighters
#black and white
snow melting
on tar covered roofs-
pictures in black and white
cold afternoon---
kids walk home from school
the smell of baking bread
frigid day--
I turn the heat up,
the sun gets warmer
the roses wilted,
the chocolate eaten-
but the poem still rhymes
smoke freezes
as it comes out
as if has seen a ghost
don't ask me why
but that's what Jupiter
said about the moon
#white wings
white wings dip and lift
don't mind the snow
caught the sea bass
in a restaurant-
stared at each other
#tooth ache
full moon
on a silver platter
and I got a tooth ache
half snow half water-
the yin and the yang
write true haiku
with your finger-
on sand
the snow starts to melt-
the moon
is still there
the snow starts to melt-
the dirt
is still there
morning blue sky-
finally something live
snow brightens a cold night
like makeup
on a street walker
all cars buried
under snow
look like giant beetles
haiku on the Internet-
bird calls
in a jungle
a blizzard---
I walk to buy food
snow in my pockets
#red mini
cherry red mini
snow cleared as soon as the sky was-
must be true love
#above it
in a snow storm
the moon stays
above it all
giant snow fall-
elephant foot prints
where ever you go
the sound of hurt feelings
kicking sand
in your face
ice fractals
on my window-
coral islands
smoke columns lean
like dozing travelers
on a cold train
#frigid night
frigid night
walking across town-
my shadow stoops
frog in winter
go back-
#it's a Union Square
Starbucks: no seats-
a girl happy to see a friend;
kissed her on the cheek
#it's a Union Square
know why they are
all happy-
Bush Inauguration
face of a nun
wearing a black habit-
the moon
too many cowardly
behind clown masks
ants working
early morning
moving mountains
smoke in
cold blue sky-
ink spraying octopus
cracked my window
said hi
#cold afternoon
cold afternoon-
walking by myself;
the sun a mere decoration
their forecast
of a snow storm-
call for prayers
at dawn-
crescent moon
crescent moon---
I like Titan
half moon above
a pizza restaurant-
one to go
#on the street
on the street-
I thought she was yelling at me;
but it was her shadow
I stopped
being seen
under a tobacco cloud
winter sunset---
a poncho
of light
#two girls
two girls in a coffee shop
talk of past men;
share a latte
rain this morning-
in tin cans
#it's a Union Square
Japanese girls take ballet class-
in the moon light
gray blanket of fog---
I close my curtains
not to see it
city streets in dense fog
leading nowhere
the moon: romance
the earth from space:
outside a flower shop
a tree
chained to a bicycle
compared to a photo
a haiku
is a shadow
#Mideast peace
it's now
another caw-
by now
I'm used to grey mornings
meaning hidden-
in the mind
of the mind
she raises her arm-
I start eating
my melon half
my neighbour sings-
the glass in the kitchen
plays the music
morning blue sky
a herd of gray buffalos---
#hold hands
moonless Saturday night-
they hold hands; cross
the street on yellow light
#lay away
the rain is back-
I'll put it
in the lay away
behind a bush a cat
eats lunch take-out:
food and water in foam
I drop a lemon peel
in my espresso
#old friends
Christmas lights linger
like departing old friends:
stand talking at the door
it's an airport lounge
where ever they are
attracting lots of
dog attention-
my rabbit fedora
dark morning-
dirt on my windows
doesn't show
waiting for the storm
at the gate-
a bag of salt
long blond hair:
walking in the mist-
king Tut
#Ballet News: E=mc2
ballet dancers
better start learning
math fast
[A British professor of physics, Jerry Cowhig has commissioned Mark Baldwin,
the artistic director of Rambert Dance Company of England, to choreograph a
ballet based on Albert Einstein's E=mc2 to commemorate the centennial of the
publication of the theory of relativity this coming Spring. BBC News, UK
#billiard balls
billiard balls
in their tray---
sometimes I have
strange thoughts---
walking alone late night
#a squirrel
a squirrel recites a haiku
what is marriage
is becoming like
what is God
#dark clouds
dark clouds and rain
the only silver lining
it'll be warm
#red and blue
the fish in a blue bawl
the bird in a red cage-
but both don't vote
#a shadow haiku
some shadows in bars
nod a lot-
to each other
as dawn progresses
sun light and house lights
we are all
new year's first morning-
hanging from a tree
a silver slipper
sitting under a bare tree
sipping coffee-
my brain's neurons
going to a new year's party-
her miniskirt
tonight new year's eve-
all the rats
will stay home
#marionettes store
a marionettes store-
a live parrot
in its window
as I enter the subway
the perfume of a
woman who went out
#it's a Union Square dog run
owners wait
their dogs play-
poised like statues
#Greeley Park
[Greeley Park is on a little traffic island between 32 and 34 Streets across
Broadway from Macy's Department Store. It has a statue of Horace Greeley,
1811—72, American newspaper editor, founder of the New York Tribune.]
warm winter night-
lights on trees shade
from Holidays' traffic
#the Marines
the tsunami terror-
send them
the Marines
little bulbs on a tree-
a sparrow
connects the dots
#placid morning
placid morning-
the chill desists
the snow softens
#good meal
at the garbage
a Christmas tree-
makes a good meal for a moose
cloudy night--
picture of the moon
on a billboard
#mass death
cries the day after joy in His birth-
mass death
tests our faith
a lone cloud-
in the shape
of a crystal ball
where would a moose
in New York City?
#cold morning
cold morning---
warming my hands
on notebook key board
#the garbage
taking out the garbage in the snow--
with sow dust on the floor
#day after
day after Christmas-
on a sidewalk
a soiled Santa hat
tsunamis in south Asia-
tear drops
across the world
#two smoke haikus
overcast morning-
a plume of smoke
aspires to be a cloud
smoke creeps-
a dragon
attacks a skyscraper
full moon over Broadway-
the marquees
suddenly turn green
#full moon
full moon as it sets-
with the curtains drawn
under a Christmas tree
a roll
of paper towels
#silent night
silent night-
Tiffany windows
glitter in the moon light
[Merry Christmas to all]
#Times Square
Times Square Christmas Eve-
only tourists
are homeless
last night the wind's horn
this morning J.S. Bach's
#a curtain
rain drops in the wind--
parting a curtain
of beads
#morning viewing
morning viewing---
but the gloom before the storm
#on a tree
perched on a tree
pigeons in a line
sparrows spread
#a rose
I gave her her gift
sub rosa-
a rose
"Sub rosa" literally means "under the rose" in New Latin. Since ancient times,
the rose has often been associated with secrecy. In ancient mythology, Cupid
gave a rose to Harpocrates, the god of silence, to keep him from telling
about the indiscretions of Venus. Ceilings of dining rooms have been decorated
with carvings of roses, reportedly to remind guests that what was said at the
table should be kept confidential. Roses have also been placed over
confessionals as a symbol of the confidentiality of confession. This
information is from
#at a cafe
at a cafe-
warmer weather
the chatter back to normal
#morning clouds
cold morning clouds--
vapor from the horizon
carbon from chimneys
#arctic night
arctic night
moon is out
wears a ski hat
#cold weather
cold weather-
stands at the garbage
an abandoned refrigerator
#wind chill
New York City
wind chill zero-
it's a desert out there
#cold wind
cold wind and snow
the shivers
smell of burning newspapers
cat in the window
tapping the glass with her claw-
i said hi
#short poem: lives
from my window
I see lines
some vertical
some horizontal
like a stack of unfinished canvas--
people in them are painting
their own masterpieces:
living their lives
suddenly alchemy---
tin is silver
in the sun light
bare tree next to a
TV antenna-
nonverbal orations
#sea bass
sea bass for dinner-
tender, delicious
melted my winter doldrums
#It's A Union Square
holiday gift stores in tents-
a souk
in an oasis
#so cold
still so cold---
a witch sends
a Christmas card
#It's A Union Square: Starbucks East
they all act like zombies-
it must be the coffee
#It's A Union Square: Virgin Store
they all take their time
and act like
real virgin
Beethoven's birthday
I comb my hair
#Christmas Tree
bright sun--
the Christmas tree
#Short Poem: Geminid
the Geminid meteor shower:
scratches in the night blanket
day light peeks through
[The Geminid meteor shower is ongoing through December 19th. Peak activity
occurs during the 13th and 14th. The meteors are composed of debris from
asteroid 3200 Phaethon. The Geminids have increased in intensity since first
seen in 1862.This information is from]
bitter cold December morning
penguins walk---
going to school
#smell of pine
in a restaurant
the smell of pine
the duck is succulent
#ballet talk: tendue
ballet style shoes
winter fashion
stuck in the snow--tendue
#Valley of the Kings
[While walking on Third Avenue in the sixties, New York City.]
tall buildings carved of mountains
traffic a river-
Valley of the Kings
[Click on valley-of-kings.htm to see
beautiful pictures and information on Egypt's Valley of the Kings.]
#a fly
in my tea cup
a fly forgot
how to swim
#windy day
windy day---
the Plaza fountain pissed off
at tourists stares
#tea cup
the tea cup
its shadow
wheels of subway trains
turn fast---
passengers at the station stand
#rain drops
rain drops on bare trees
sparkle in street lights---
ornate nails of night dancers
#the light house
the moon preempted
by fog
the lighthouse steps forward
dense fog and mist-
the fisherman's catch
came back to life
#Dear Santa
Dear Santa,
I look at myself in the mirror
thinking of you
#espresso coffee
the bud of a black rose
in a cup---
espresso coffee
the meaning
of Life
is "?"
#wind whistles
grid lock day
in the city-
the wind whistles
[A grid lock day in Manhattan is a day on which the holiday traffic is so heavy
that motorists have to abide thoroughly by traffic laws so that traffic will
not be indefinitely immobilized.]
candle is gone-
a bottle full
of blisters
#eyes of cats
fog at night-
only the head lights of cars in sight
and eyes of cats
lights through the window shades
faces in a camp fire
in the fog
skyscrapers are ghosts
of dinosaurs
then fog
and now twilight
a crow on a chimney-
a kid draws
with crayons
#a forest
lights of the city
from my window-
a forest of Christmas trees
#beautiful morning
beautiful morning-
the wind and me
#cold wind
cold wind permanent
makes me
#cold morning
cold morning---
the donuts
are frosted
#kicking legs
kicking legs-
the fish
ran out of breath
#Ballet News: Dame Alicia Markova Died
Dame Alicia Markova died-
Giselle is crying
#it's a Union Square
Blimpie's coffee
is better
than Starbucks'
#the moon
a monk's head
sleeping in candle light-
the moon
warm evening---
at her window
she cooks
loneliness cries
like a hungry wolf
wind says:
"I won't leave"
in Chinese
like the caress
of a lover
the sea breeze
#stormy day
a stormy day
the city all still
in a state of diapause
holiday glitter
electrons simulate
visible nature
snow flakes, ribbons,
and lights on strings
on trees
#day after
sunny the day after*
sky wiped clean
nothing left over
[*day after Thanksgiving]
sidewalk cafe---
nearby church bells
ring holiday cheer
airplanes pass the train station
to land and take off-
also pigeons
orange and yellow
some green left-
some trees take it slow
a well fed beige cat
peeks at me
from under a gray Honda
birds pick at
left over scone
on a playground