Sunday, December 03, 2006


I bought a talking Santa
made in China---
Hu Hu Hu


early morning---
last night stardust
is on the lilacs


strange faces are out
this saturday night---
the moon


the storm passed---and
warnings of tornadoes
that were hot air


rainy Friday night---
I stop at a bar
to dry out


who is this
masked man?---
the moon


Union Square---
a herd of pigeons
chase away a human


a parrot sounds
a bit arrogant


the year close to its end---
a bonsai behind
trees on sale


overcast morning---
starting with
a blank slate


all the wires
are unplugged---
winter trees


morning rush---
the dozing lady has
a new red shopping bag


the Christmas lights
are not working---


the harvest is over
I hang the sickle---
crescent moon

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