Sunday, October 15, 2006


knock on the door---
she straightens the kinks
in her black dress


in a Japanese diner
a fly prefers


wind howls
on the boardwalk---
cold feet at sunset


Yunus economics---
how crumbs become wheat fields
won a Noble


green leaves dangle
in my face---I bow
yellow ones all over


standing before an ant
a man asks:
who am I


rush hour---
she forgot to wear
the other ear earing


a spider
built its web
above a mouse trap


morning stillness---
a vaccum tube
sucking fallen leaves


rainy afternoon---
the Yankees suffer
one more nose dive


brown cockroach
walks on a brown leaf---
I wear my leather jacket


art work in the park---
tree shadow
on the back of a canvas


morning headline:
"Another 60
Bodies Found---"


I see her at a fruit stand---
the sweet smell
of Fall apples


Columbus Day---
I shake the hand
of a Mohawk from Buffalo

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