Sunday, September 24, 2006


in a Turkish restaurant
the belly dancer
has a Greek  tattoo


Autumn equinox---
a swan glides in a pond
with the wings raised


a neighbor
ends her fast


Autumn morning clouds---
I go out to buy
more cinnamon


after Autumn rain---
the sun shines
on his face wrinkles


overcast morning---
I can't find
my blue suede shoes


''Hamlet'' brand
little cigars---
''Smoking kills''


a ballet dancer
picks up a rose
off the stage---thorns point


rush hour---
a contrail crosses
over stalled traffic


a cat looks
at a picture of a bird


Autumn wind
smells of apple pie


morning stillness---
a cat
is hungry


Hyde Park---
the ducks
are very polite


overcast day---
a city full of red buses
and black taxi cabs

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