Sunday, September 03, 2006


many fallen leaves
in last night storm---
they are still green


the lake is
full of swans
and she goes swimming


dreary day---
I watch on tv
old hurricane movies


after a hurricane---
not much in the news
till the next one


two old ladies
on a bus gossip---once home
I close my curtains


Bush gives a speech on Iraq---
the smell of sulfur
from lighting a match


suddenly the sound
of a fire alarm


seeing Fer-de-Lance---
you'll run faster
than Lance on a bicycle


beyond smoke stacks
and rain clouds---
a day moon


a sparrow snatched bread
from another
and flew to my porch


dreary day---
a fly keeps falling
down the window glass


happy hour---
the bar maid
keeps breaking glasses


dark street---
a stranger smiles
at me


late Summer---
I show off my karate
blows using peaches


a city dweller dreams---
a jungle
with eight million parrots

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