Sunday, June 11, 2006


cold night---
an ant creeps
under my foot


the party is over---
silently the leaves
dance to the wind


under my desk---
a spider builds
its own wires network


down town
after hours---
high heels echoing


a cricket
sounds lonely


the woman who
moved next door---
gets many late night callers


friday morning---
a school kid
yells: "I don't want to go"


hazy evening---
a distant light
has a tail


street soccer---
for the next world cup


chili dinner---
a heart-burn
cooked by a heart-throb


heavy rain---
an open umbrella
floats down the street


on the floor, the paper string
from a Hershey's kiss---
acting like a worm


a drunk raises
his bottle and winks---
a half moon


morning stillness---
she combs
her hair


dense fog---
a bat can't see
where he's going


behind me---an old lady
carrying an empty
bamboo cage

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