Sunday, September 17, 2006


Autumn clouds---
green leaves


Sunday morning---
my favorite bench
has spelled coffee


sitting in a bookstore---
she tells me
the story of her life


gloomy day---
I order another
half of grapefruit

cold wind blows off
my hat---
and a good fantasy
morning stillness---
bamboo shoots growing
in a water bowl
looks the wrong way
before crossing the street---
a Yankee dog in London
dark clouds---
I sneeze every time
the cat passes by
Autumn light drizzle---
I am glad
I forgot my umbrella
in a miniskirt
she waits for a train----
'mind the gap' sign

on the way to
the airport---
I pass a pet turtle farm


a September fly
keeps flying
into my face


after all the violence
in the news---
Monday football


nine eleven---
a five year old kid
celebrates his birthday

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