Sunday, July 09, 2006


World Cup final---
Italy plays


salsa band
in the park---
she wears red high heels


summer day---
I can't find
something to do


I find money
in a drawer


eating all natural
peach jam---
the smell of her soap


no mirror
can tell you truly
what you are


lost mail---
I open a window
to let a butterfly out


Madison Square Park---
the fountain has pennies
but no water


rainy morning---
my shower
is not working


tour de france---
how do they go
to the bathroom?


after a long weekend---
many dozing
on the subway


independence day---
someone dropped
a tea bag in the pool


soaring bald eagles---
all about a chance
to fulfill a dream


July sunset---
waiting for the fireworks
to really paint this sky red


early July---
a kid wants money
to buy fire crackers


storms throw me
off my horse down a river---
I get picked up by a nymph

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