Sunday, June 04, 2006


the coffee
is almost done


overcast sky---
a smoke column
moves horizontally


overcast day,
drawn in chalk on a
playground wall---the sun


at a meeting---
some one with
the same ring tones as me


sudden downpours
both softball teams
go to the same bar


buying a metrocard
with a credit card
from a machine---thank you


in the subway
a Darwin look alike
stares at me


morning fog---
a white rabbit
takes it easy


sunset--- the clouds make
the end of a long summer day


the noise from the street
blocks the noise
of the neighbors


water shoots up
from fountains---
calla lilies bloom


hot day---
a smoke column
shaped like a dragon


the sun shines
while it rains---
I think of my ex


early morning---
watching fishermen
talk more than fish

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