Sunday, August 06, 2006


August at
Union Square---
only the pigeons and bums


bookies are taking bets
as to when---
Cuba libre


he walks a dog
on a leash and a cat---
moonless night


early morning---
the opera singer
is on a roll


it looks smaller
now the heat wave is gone---


making iced coffee
in the morning---
the buzz of a fan


cool metal with
the volume up---
the heat


fourth day of a heat wave---
Romeo sleeps
under the balcony


heat wave---
I hang out
in ice cream parlors


blueberry strawberry raspberry
makes lesss your misery


she bends down
to pick up a small coin---
August full moon


an ant climbs the wall
of a four star
french restaurant


evening cool---
finally the neighbor's
bitch shuts up


empty seats
at rush hour

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