Sunday, April 09, 2006


late night,
passing a football on the street---
the moon


morning stillness---
the mailman sitting
with his legs crossed


a black cat
trying to be friendly


early morning---
a grey pigeon
keeps flying back to my windowsill


seedless grapes---
the skin is very hard:
I spit


cold morning---
when will the trees
have leaves?


snow flake april showers---
the petals
of the cherry trees


early morning---
a column of smoke
posing with the clouds


cloudy night---
they are up on the roof
for just soulgazing


kids on
a schhool trip---
dragging their feet


spring rain---
my umbrella is
the only thing I see blooming


monday morning---
trying to save myself
from day light saving time


nice spring day---
the trees are still
with no leaves


spring cleaning---
the dust of winter
is heavier


dropping one more coin
in the slot machine---
crescent moon

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