Sunday, December 24, 2006


he cuts me off
on Christmas Eve---
crescent moon


stardust on
leafless branches---
Madison Square Park


or no anchovies---
no anchovies!


praise goes
to his head---
an inflatable snowman


late December---
an inflatable Santa
goes south


end of the year---
a stocks broker
gives his bonus to the poor


first day of winter---
a deer eludes
its hunters


winter solstice---
I'll just wait
till Christmas Eve


bright day---
my ski sweater
gets lots of attention


before Christmas---
the overweight dolls
are on sale


slices of pepper
of all colors---
December sunset


morning rush---
a sparrow stays
on the sidewalk edge


she wears her red high heels---
I order champagne
by the glass


under the Christmas wreath
a note---
rain drops melt the ink

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