Sunday, December 02, 2007


going green---
not getting
a Christmas tree


first snow---
the doorman
is irritated


cold windy day---
a pigeon perched
on my air conditioner


blue sky---
who needs
her deep eyes


cleaning my desk---
I find November dust
on my diary


morning stillness---
sweeping away the ashes
of last night party


she says lighten up---
I wear my
alpaca sweater


want to be presidents
debate---no torture
but may be torture


geometry lesson---
day moon
next to a contrail


blue sky---
Santa Claus is living
on a boat in the North Pole


many say there will be
a recession---
I buy a bicycle


kids wait their turns
at the mall---
Santa is programmable


November gloom---
I peel
guava fruits


Monday morning rain---
a snail
drags its feet

1 comment:

Ričardas said...

Enjoyed everyone of them. Last one made me laugh. :)