Sunday, December 30, 2007


the mayor look alike---
I pretend
to stare


Madison Square Park
the dollar is down---
holiday lights made of gold


Beijing morning---
is the sky
officially blue*?



a spider going up
reaches the ceiling---
end of the year


blue sky---
nothing left
of Christmas day dumplings


Colombian lunch---
are bananas


dense fog---
a smoke column
struggles to be seen


too many holidays lights
to see it coming


Winter holidays---
two little girls jump rope
in a boxing gym


overcast day
after Christmas---
I wear my new sun shades


Christmas day---
a Chinese store
has a sale on Christmas cards


Christmas morning---
a blind man and his dog
wait to cross the street


her blond hair
glows in the dark---
full moon


blue sky---
takes a nap

1 comment:

Ričardas said...

so many nice touches for the end of the year. I liked all of them.
Happy New Year!