Sunday, December 23, 2007


Christmas shopping---
they are out
of macadamia nuts


Madison Square Park Winter---
the only stars to view
are dogs


December Saturday night---
the only bared skin
is the lower back


Winter solstice---
her fire kept me awake
all night


strong wind---
a seller of Christmas trees
ties them up


a hair dresser---
has no hair


New York City
Christmas tree---
size does matter


morning stillness---
the snowman
keeps on watching


December drizzle---
the snowman
is water proof


our snowman
lost his mouth piece---
a half moon


Thai restaurant---
Christmas songs
only in the kitchen


December blue sky---
all the white tinsel
is on Christmas trees


sunset viewing
from a heated parked car---
it's a hybrid


bitter cold morning---
I share my bed
with the cat

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