Sunday, April 01, 2007


standing in line---
all women to see
all men dancing


April's Fool---
I don't receive any mail
in my Bulk folder


Fourteen Street Pier
two boys fight
over a kite---Spring wind


a horsefly in my house
thinks it is a free country---


pissing at night---
a full moon tells me
if my aim is bull's-eye


blue sky---
above my head stands
a traffic chopper


evening rush---
a man plays the guitar
but no one hears it


warm Spring night---
a setting moon
takes its time


fine Spring day---
the Spider Mums
got me


a flock of geese
flies in a circle---


beautiful Spring afternoon---
my neighbor wears
her black leather skirt


farmers market---
a pear looks like
a potato


on a deserted sidewalk---
a long line
of ants


Spring Break---
two coeds turn their heads
to look at me

1 comment:

Gabi Greve said...

Dear Fred san,

your paintings of city life are quite something !

Keep going !


from the woods of Japan

. Happy Haiku Gallery .