Sunday, March 29, 2009


signs of Spring---
the lilacs at the entrance
of a skyscraper bloom


clear day---
I view Citibank skyscraper
but where is the aura


Third Avenue--
a woman carrying a plant
wears snake leather shoes


morning Spring rain---
a joker* stops
to wipe his eyeglasses



March warms up---
a little girl says she has
to go pick up her daughter


blue sky---
the cat


overcast March---
the cat plays with a ball
of dust under the bed


East River still waters---
the softball game
remains scoreless


the recession---
some states close



March suburban road---
a deer stands
at a bus stop


March sunset---
the colors of Spring
but where is the bloom


blue sky---
the cotton candy man
is out of blue


cold and sunny Spring day---
the mailman in shorts
smiles then winces


a book on Greek history---
Socrates covered
in one page

1 comment:

Raquel said...

You are a great haiku writer. I enjoyed the read very much.

- Raquel B.