Sunday, March 22, 2009


no evidence
of Spring yet---
I buy her roses


morning stillness---
my neighbors


March Saturday night---
I lost another bet
on a basketball game


blue sky---
I await
the lilacs bloom


she finished planting
the eggplant


first day of Spring---

snow flurries

the cat scratches its head


Spring drizzle---
the sound of high heels
behind me


before dawn---
a man shouts
Google is down


East River---
a man takes off his shirt
almost Spring


blue sky---
warm enough to play
hopscotch on the sidewalk


Saint Patrick Day---
the moon looks


Saint Patrick Day---
a Brit wants
to paint the town red


March haze---
a leafless tree reminds me
of my neurons


early morning---
a teacher asks
who was Richard Nixon

1 comment:

bandit said...

Nice. I like the one about the Brit-made me laugh.