Sunday, May 11, 2008


Mother's Day---
restaurants crowded
but who are mothers


on a pond
one of her chicks lags behind---
Mother's Day


blue sky---
the chatterbox
is silent


Spring Saturday night---
a young man whistles
"Yankee Doodle"*



Spring rain storm---
the roof of the shower


Friday night at the gym---
she asks me
where's the bathroom


she swings her bare leg
as I talk to her---
juice bar


hearing the call for prayer
as I pass a mosque---
Spring sunset


Hudson River Park---/
ducks feed/
I order fish


trees dressed to a tee
girls undressed to a leaf---
Spring heats up


Spring warms up---
not just on the arms


May sunset---
I forgot to send
my old lady flowers


cool lounge---/
she sings in French/
with Spanish accent


blue sky---
I can't stand
the smell of ouzo


May playground---
girls on the swings laugh
at boys on the slide

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