Monday, May 26, 2008


our spacecraft landed on Mars---
when will the Martians
send real one to us


Memorial Day---
waiting for George Bush
to leave office


low tide---
she's on seaweed


a fisherman


Saturday night---
after long wait in line
we have to eat with chopsticks


having a fight---
she tells me
stop acting like Sarkozy*



blue sky---
walking bare foot
the beeches open


almost Summer---
she cleans her closet
I order a Thai salad


full moon at dawn---
a swaying drunk
looks up and smiles


tough bar---
she just returned
from Iraq


sudden Spring showers---
her mascara


lower East Side bar---
he pretends
to know soccer


blue sky---
a new tar roof


heavy rain---
a turtle is having
a drink


the cat
comes home


the wind lifts her skirt
she blushes---
Spring sunset


Big Brown---
a horse that can win back
our being in the black

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