Sunday, April 27, 2008


overcast Sunday---
the lilacs
remind me of last night


Spring drizzle---
her frizzy red hair
gets wet


check out---
the clerk wants to know
how many bags of rice I got


overcast Spring day---
an empty plastic bag rolls
my shoe untied


Madison Square Park---
no sub prime anything


April ends---
the sun shines
on a dead fly


blue sky---
the parrot
is very quiet


needs another night cap
for the dawn---
waxing moon


Union Square---
but no one speaks out


blue sky---
my neighbor tells
another big fish story


dull April afternoon---
one of my exes


primary Tuesday---
it's about time
the fat lady sings


hot sun and cold wind---
I drink another beer


morning fog---
she wipes the dust
off her portrait

1 comment:

Ričardas said...

check out---
the clerk wants to know
how many bags of rice I got

Good one - my favorite in this set. I wander if clerks will start to worry about it here too?