Sunday, April 20, 2008


mass at Yankee Stadium---
his Holiness decides
to play hardball


the price of rice
goes up---
I start hording sake


hot April day---
Cherry petals scatter
her new toenail paint


Madison Square Park Spring day---
dog and his mistress
walk shaking their tails


her blond hair shines
over her business suit---
full moon at dusk


out for a walk
my shadow scares me


hot Spring day---
the cat thinks
this is a jungle


the subway surfaces---
a symphony
of ring tones


April warms---
I chat with a woman
who wears a Sox cap


blue sky---
I step on white
Cherry tree petals


give to Caesar what---
the Pope visits
on Tax Day


Tax Day---
the sun shines
on a house for sale


I stopped to view
a Cherry tree---
April sunset


blue sky---
her windows are all
fogged up

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