Sunday, June 07, 2009


Sunday street park---
wearing a burka she eats lunch
with her man


the name of the horse
who won the Belmont---
Summer Bird


Central Park aft days of rain---
healthy grass
pale crowd


morning haze---
a circus acrobat


June rainy day---
the park ball field
is full of mud


morning fog---
too much steamed milk
in my espresso


Obama speaks to Muslims---
a native American


a June downpour takes a break---
I go out to buy
more water


dense fog---
a blind man crosses
the street alone


almost Summer---
I come across daffodils
more than Wordsworth ever seen


the recession---
more nude entertainment bars


GM is bankrupt---
I pat a carriage horse
in Central Park


June East River rapids---
schoolgirls learn
to play rugby


blue sky---
my GPS
stops working

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