Sunday, June 28, 2009


East River choppy waves---
I wait for her
to tie her hair


Summer street fair---
a sign says
beware of kids


Summer sunset---
clouds as blue as the mountains
of an iced Coors can


blue sky---
I step
on dog shit


June evening thunder storm---
my neighbors stop


Sinatra sings on my ipod---
a man yells
Michael Jackson is dead


Iran's green revolution---
where would it be now
without women


clouds at sunset---
I see a mountain range
with fire beneath it


steamy June---
a Chinese take-out
keeps its door open


East River Summer---
workers give a tree
a trim


late June crowded subway---
but no one has
a sun tan


dictators don't
a woman is shot in Iran


June afternoon---
the same dark clouds
I pour more Cabernet


Summer morning---
it's too cold
to wear shorts

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