Sunday, November 02, 2008


he finds a rattle snake
in his basement---
crescent moon


daylight saving time ends---
the cat wakes me
an hour early


Saturday night
crowded subway---
man sketches a camel


All Saints Day---
white pigeon pecks
a candy wrapper


warm Halloween night---
bared legs will have
no goose bumps


Halloween night---
a bat gets
no treats


few days to the
I watch "Otello"


early morning---
the cat is fidgeting
I pour more coffee


October cold front---
a sparrow unable
to bite a piece of toast


as I walk
on wet Autumn leaves---
a poster of McCain


October wind storm
died down---
I fax her an apology


windy night---
a witch walks home
Halloween nears


a laundromat---
it's all


bright Autumn day---
I idle
the East River light house

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