Sunday, October 26, 2008


plastic Fall leaves on sale
as I step on real ones


an SUV stops
to refuel---
GM on the soup line


haunting October rain storm---
she reads
her horoscope


Illinois plays Wisconsin
corn harvest is over


the recession---
a day laborer
takes off his shoes


late October
crescent moon


October night---
who cares how stocks did
crescent moon


blue sky---
the grey cat
is hiding


at McDonald's---
I remember Paul Newman
from his salad dressing


late October wind---
her blond hair flies
along with the leaves


October cold gusts---
green leaf blown
under my door


cold morning---
the bus has no heat
she knits a sweater


East River Autumn sunset---
a swan


black cat tries to
open a garbage bag---
moonless night

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