Sunday, March 09, 2008


today's crossword too hard---
I try figure
who's she calling


grey patches of clouds---
I try to fit in my old
hippie jeans


no one wants to play checkers---
I watch
a Charlie Chaplin movie


morning fog---
my difficult neighbor
is very quiet


a meter maid asks me
what time is it---
day light saving time starts


blue sky---
the kitchen sink
is clogged again


work coffee breaks long enough
to ask for her phone number


Dred Scott Decision Day*----
but this year
he is running for president

*On March 6, 1857, in its Dred

Scott decision, the Supreme Court

held that Scott, a slave, could not

sue for his freedom in a federal



morning strands
of white clouds---
she redyes her hair


March coldness---
the playground grand turtle
raises its head


March showers---
she swooshes my shirt
with her clinking clunker


fog at sunset---
I ask for a second
Martini olive


I broke the bottle
of the orange juice


warm March evening rush---
the smell of dirty hair
and stale perfume


bus stop---she smokes
with one hand and shakes
at him the other's finger

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