Sunday, February 03, 2008


Super Bowl night---
I rush home
not to miss any commercials


morning ice on the roofs---
she closes
her chiffon curtains


walking across
the Brooklyn bridge---
it's our cathedral


looking at last month
heating oil bill


rainy night---
the clicks of high heels
behind me


the water in the gutter


blue sky---
an old man
forgot to shave


my snow boots still
in the back of closet---
January ends


strong wind pushes me---
how many watts
can it produce?


morning stillness---
I turn off
my cell phone


passing a funeral home---
their plants need
some water


his last state of union speech---
he said the words
climate change


outside beauty salon---
a bull dog pisses
on no parking sign


cold dawn---
a migrant worker
cycles to work

1 comment:

Ričardas said...

enjoyed reading. I would rush out of the house to miss all commercials though :)