Sunday, December 30, 2007


the mayor look alike---
I pretend
to stare


Madison Square Park
the dollar is down---
holiday lights made of gold


Beijing morning---
is the sky
officially blue*?



a spider going up
reaches the ceiling---
end of the year


blue sky---
nothing left
of Christmas day dumplings


Colombian lunch---
are bananas


dense fog---
a smoke column
struggles to be seen


too many holidays lights
to see it coming


Winter holidays---
two little girls jump rope
in a boxing gym


overcast day
after Christmas---
I wear my new sun shades


Christmas day---
a Chinese store
has a sale on Christmas cards


Christmas morning---
a blind man and his dog
wait to cross the street


her blond hair
glows in the dark---
full moon


blue sky---
takes a nap

Sunday, December 23, 2007


Christmas shopping---
they are out
of macadamia nuts


Madison Square Park Winter---
the only stars to view
are dogs


December Saturday night---
the only bared skin
is the lower back


Winter solstice---
her fire kept me awake
all night


strong wind---
a seller of Christmas trees
ties them up


a hair dresser---
has no hair


New York City
Christmas tree---
size does matter


morning stillness---
the snowman
keeps on watching


December drizzle---
the snowman
is water proof


our snowman
lost his mouth piece---
a half moon


Thai restaurant---
Christmas songs
only in the kitchen


December blue sky---
all the white tinsel
is on Christmas trees


sunset viewing
from a heated parked car---
it's a hybrid


bitter cold morning---
I share my bed
with the cat

Sunday, December 16, 2007


strong wind---
an inflatable Santa
decides to fly back north


it's snowing again---
I need
dandruff shampoo


mid December train ride---
her skirt rises
as she dozes


December Fifth Avenue---
I eat a croissant
outside Tiffany


December New York---
above all that neon
crescent moon


December rush hour---
a rat
on steroids


winter flexes its wrath---
I stand close
to the rice steamer


walking in first snow storm---
no one
in a hurry


December sunset redness---
she wears


morning fog---
the graffiti
looks subtle


the smell of cooking
I keep eating my tuna salad


gloomy day---
the Christmas lights
shine brighter


once more
this holidays season---
gunman shoots in a crowd


rainy day---
the City Christmas tree
gets watered

Sunday, December 09, 2007


a children bookstore---
Santa Claus
is a woman


December Sunday
six AM---
my neighbor goes to work


Madison Square Park---
so many/
Christmas trees


morning stillness---
the cat watches
the Christmas lights


December snow flurries---
I go check
if they are real


morning fog---
I need to clean
my windows


at Starbucks---
a kid asks me
if I can solve Rubik's Cube


a polar bear
is still sleeping


December train ride---
she grasps her bag tight
every time the doors open


buying her a present---
the clerk asks me
what is she like


cold day---
Santa Claus face
is more red than usual


early morning---
can't tell the rising smoke
from the rain clouds


wind lifts Autumn leaves
in the air---the pigeons
mind their business


December jollies---
stuck in traffic
in Times Square

Sunday, December 02, 2007


going green---
not getting
a Christmas tree


first snow---
the doorman
is irritated


cold windy day---
a pigeon perched
on my air conditioner


blue sky---
who needs
her deep eyes


cleaning my desk---
I find November dust
on my diary


morning stillness---
sweeping away the ashes
of last night party


she says lighten up---
I wear my
alpaca sweater


want to be presidents
debate---no torture
but may be torture


geometry lesson---
day moon
next to a contrail


blue sky---
Santa Claus is living
on a boat in the North Pole


many say there will be
a recession---
I buy a bicycle


kids wait their turns
at the mall---
Santa is programmable


November gloom---
I peel
guava fruits


Monday morning rain---
a snail
drags its feet