Sunday, November 04, 2007


Tabasco* under water---
sun sauce up your rays
to dry faster

*Mexican state flooded by rain


blue sky---
a man lifts up his head
and whistles


early November---
everyone walks
with hands inside their pockets


morning stillness---
a fly has survived


sunset viewing
through a glass window---
she's in the Bahamas


blue morning sky---
the Angora cat
sleeps under my bed


Madison Square Park---
cold wind makes it
harder to day dream


morning rush---
there is
an empty seat


at the Halloween Parade---
she says her name
is George


with all these rag dolls
for Halloween---
I miss my mummy


blue sky---
no more whistling
of sad tunes


close to Halloween---
a sign says
we have black roses


blue sky---
a column of smoke
too embarrassed to go up


he answers the door
face covered with shaving cream---
day moon

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