Sunday, October 28, 2007


blue sky---
as if one needs excuse
to go out for Sunday brunch


full moon before sunrise---
a chick walks ahead


October Saturday night---
no more


another day----
here heavy rain
fires in southern Cal


late October fog---
a ghost
calling me names


overcast morning---
my neighbor's bitch
giving me hard time


the flu shot---
my last time
mother held my hand


trick AND treat---
a spider busy weaving
late October


California wild fires
flames of hell---
Katrina's high waters


at the grocery store---
a blond bombshell asks
where is the pumpkin


dark clouds at sunset---
my neighbor
lights up his pumpkin


as I pick an apple---
a dark cloud shaped
like a scarecrow


late October warmth---
a witch
smiles at me


blue sky---
last night I updated
my haiku blog

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