Sunday, July 22, 2007


Big Apple Summer---
Coned screws up
once again


afternoon nap---
the buzz of a chopper
then a mosquito


viewing Venus
the skyline red lights wink---
Summer lust


late July---
a tree in a schoolyard
bears apples


Summer evening rush---
a man asks himself
why am I here


overcast morning---
a giant cockroach
comes out of the kitchen drain


top of the Alps
to the sea in one day---
Tour de France cycles on


joke telling Summer night---
a dancer tells his
with no words


Big Apple Summer---
many dress like
this is a mountain trail


Summer night
her pants slide as she sits---
crescent moon


Summer sunset---
they play tennis
on clay


going out
she curls her eyelashes---
crescent moon


rodeo riding---
the bulls
never lose


Madison Square Park
slow Summer day...
local women gossip

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