Sunday, July 08, 2007


hot Sunday---
a worker on a scaffold
his sweat drops on passers by


Madison Square Fountain---
dimes outshine pennies
ten to one


Summer polluted air
turn on the air conditioner---
more pollution


the long days of Summer---
I start reading
Marcel Proust again


dry and hot day---
a pizza cook
goes on his lunch break


Summer fireworks---
a man at the bar
makes an obscene gesture


gloomy Summer day---
a black cat
chases a moth


July morning---
a squirrel stands
to do Tai Chi


Independence Day---
an illegal immigrant
serves me a meal


Fourth of July---
another day
at Guantanamo Bay


late night on the boardwalk---
a woman asks me
for a light


old couple view
a distant lighthouse---
July moonless night


July sunset---
she drops the mango pit
into the ocean


at the beach
a kid says he made
the lemonade---salty

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