Sunday, June 03, 2007


she gets up from the grass
to wear her shorts


stormy Summer clouds---
a yellow butterfly


Central Park Zoo---
young male goats show off
for a living


June First---
a kid walks
with his shoelaces untied


crowded swimming pool---
her finger nails
touch my toes


hot day---
a man shares his ice cream
with his dog


dance night in the park---
two trees
have branches entangled


Madison Square Park---
much bared female limbs
the trees' fully covered


at the French Open---
her tan is reddish


a Summer dawn---
the suntan lotion ad
turns off its lights


a day moon
at sunset---
a haijin ghost


too much pollution---
a squirrel keeps
scratching itself


Memorial Day---
two sailors chat
with a homeless man


Memorial Day---
starts Iraq's
scorching Summer

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