Sunday, May 21, 2006


sunday afternoon
rain shower--- cleaned
my boots


late spring---
the daffodils


saturday sunset---
everyone getting
ready for the night time


morning stillness---
dew drops
on the fire escape


afternoon thunder storm---
she fluffs the curls
of her blond hair


for online dating---
what is your sex?


rainy morning---
a dripping faucet
woke me up


I put a seashell
to my ear---
it says stop polluting


beyond good and evil
is a jungle---
full of funny beasts


walking to school---
a contrail marks
a blank sky


eating the rest of the
cherry pie a la mode


early morning---
a happy ending
to last night rain storm


sidewalk cafe---
a pigeon waits
the server bring out food


morning haze---
I keep hearing
the buzz of a fly


clouds clearing
the sun comes out---
horses race in the sky


morning fog---
the tops of towers
are blanking out

1 comment:

Gillena Cox said...

i truly enjoyed reading "V" - a very graphic haiku