Sunday, April 19, 2009


the sound of trumpets---
a bull fighter views
a ballet dancer


Sunday morning haze---
she wants
her coffee spiced


April hot day---
an Asian girl screams
ice cream truck passes by


April warms up---
the cat has
a new friend


the wake of a boat passes---
a row of East River
white Cherry trees


before dawn---
a turtle stops at green
a half moon


East River Park---
suddenly his hand disappears
as he touches her


blue sky---
empty pockets
after Tax Day


East River sad feelings---
Cherry trees blossom
on the other bank


Tax Day---
a banker sends
his mistress flowers


over night trash---
the smell of
acetone breath


East River courting teens---
behind her veil
she smiles at him


my yearly physical---
I only got
the recession


before dawn---
cigarette in his mouth a drunk talks
Wanning Gibbous

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