Sunday, February 15, 2009


Greek diner---
there is no recession here
only income tax


blue sky---
I finish last night


the gym
is crowded---
Valentine's Day


recession blues---
it's the kiss that counts
on Valentine's Day


blue sky---
but is it


Friday the thirteenth---
I buy her a black dress
for Valentine's Day


President Obama
gives a speech---
Lincoln is two hundred


a cockroach climbs the wall---
Charles Darwin is today
two hundred


warm February day---
on Coney Island
an old man streaks


the recession---
long lines to file for
income tax early


lonely night---
I call the automated
telephone operator


at a news stand---
a kid asks
what is A-Rod


blue sky---
a soldier returns
from Iraq


kids chase the ducks away---
calm East River
Winter waters

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