Sunday, September 14, 2008


tapping my fingers---
a flamenco dancer
stops and glares at me


morning stillness---
a fly keeps
walking the floor


Saturday night football---
she keeps
recrossing her legs


doing laundry---
sand in the pockets
of my shorts


evening September fog---
the dog smells
another dog


September overcast skies---
a butterfly
stays low


reminds me
of face of my nanny---
almost full moon


September Eleven---
I remember to fix
lock of my backdoor


September bright day---
cold wind makes
the sun feel hotter


Paris pales
compared to Palin---
McCain has now camp


at Applebee's---
I finnished
my broccoli


I look up as
a jetliner passes


September street fair---
only the babes
look appetizing


an ant
comes back

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