Sunday, August 26, 2007


trying to balance
on one foot---
a fly won't let me


crowded train station
the stairs rail is sticky---
August heat


outdoors concert
of Arabian music---
a chorus of crickets


the smile
on his face


cool August---
a butterfly turned away
at my closed window


Madison Square Park
end of August---
no one is in a hurry


her face from a passing car
what's her name---
a waxing gibbous


morning fog---
a coyote
sounds louder


I'm wet and he asks
is it raining---
the redundancy


wearing fleece
in mid August---
global what?


the remnants
of a hurricane arrive---
and his mother-in-law


as I wait for a train---
a pigeon walks
back and forth


eating chicken---
the wish-bone so small
I wish better weather


cold August morning---
I make
hot coffee

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