Sunday, August 05, 2007


at a bus stop
a woman sells Chinese fans---
August stillness


more iced coffee
as if we need a reason---
Big Apple August


lil* boat
sails by the skyline---
August sunset

*urban slang for little


August lightening---
the fireflies
take the night off


she bends to pick up
water melon---
I keep my hands to myself


our new poet laureate
is a surrealist---


happy hour---
she tells the bartender
she lost her wedding ring


smell of freshly cut grass---
I caress
her crew cut


at the pier---no catches
the big fish busy eating
the small fish


bouzouki music
in the park---
dancing with men


July ends---
the next day is
September First


a neon sign says


Summer pool---
I remember
what Archimedes said


morning fog---
sits well
with the grey in my hair

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