Sunday, February 04, 2007


Super Bowl party---
she asks me
if I like football


a seagull soars
above rising smoke---
cloudless winter skies


looking for wood
to knock on---
I found a chess table


beautiful blue sky---
a full moon refuses
to go to sleep


fog---a smoke column
is confused about
which way is up


February First---
a sun ray dances
on her cell phone


cold night---I pass the statue
of a man wearing
a winter coat


winter morning---
too many men
wearing grey suits


blue sky---
too little snow
fell to write about


morning stillness---
a man walks to work
in the snow


icy side-walk
I slip---
a tree stares


cold morning---
new graffiti
under blue sky


a cat out
on the prowl---
no dreamgirls


side-walk cafe---
only the squirrel
sits outside


late first snow---
not enough
for a snowball fight

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