Thursday, December 17, 2009


he looks at coins
to give a homeless man---
moonless night


Beethoven's birthday---
my neighbor complains
the music is deafening


Christmas cheer---
a man tries to pick up
the woman next to me


Union Square Christmas bazaar---
a man gives away
Coke in the new can


a bank Christmas party---
more cheer
than last year


holidays flea markets---
so many dumped
past Christmas presents


blue sky---
all the way
to infinity


bitter cold---
I go wear another
pair of socks


Obama takes a break
from two wars---
to accept the Noble Peace Prize


blue sky---
porn pictures laid
on the sidewalk


the smell of marinara sauce

1 comment:

Bill said...

people in a hurry
the Salvation Army bell
rings rings rings

Blessings of the season and beyond, Fred.