Wednesday, June 01, 2011


Summer afternoon---
it's too hot to write
a haiku


blue sky---
a CEO desk has


back to work---
a garbage truck makes noise:
May ends


a light house will
soon start


East River Memorial Day---
no US Navy
just speed boats


at a picnic a man tells
Vietnam war stories---
Memorial Day


Memorial Day---
so many still die
because of their beliefs


a holiday weekend sunset---
it takes
its time


a beach Ferris wheel---
the view at sea level
is better


Summer Sunday---
I open my window
the smell of burning coal


our wars---
as US starts to leave Iraq
its civil war restarts


beach morning fog---
the sound of giggling
behind me


end of May sunset---
an aircraft carrier
steals the show


beach girls volley ball---
some cheerleaders
are men


morning fog---
a yogi does
the head stand


sailors have liberty in Manhattan-
Memorial Day weekend


a Wagner opera---
Assad like his people
take their time


Summer morning haze---
Charlie Chaplain
passes by


evening fog---
I close the curtains
and listen to the Grateful Dead


East River sun bathing queens---
the bigger their dog is
the less they wear


morning fog---
a street artist draws
himself from memory


every one watches
Oprah reruns


customer parking---
the pigeons park
right above it


clear day aft many foggy---
a hookah bar keeps
its curtains open


blue sky---
she wears her new
Summer dress


May wind calms---
the sun sets behind
a chimney


East River nice day---
a sail boat has a mast too high
to pass a bridge


first fly of the season---
I spare
its life


May dawn---
it's the same fog as
yesterday's dusk


Saudi Arabia---
women protest for the right
to drive a car


evening fog---
nothing but the lights
of Queensborough bridge


evening fog---
a cat passes
without looking at me


French send roses
to DSK accuser---
that's swell


morning fog---
an old man raises his voice
to be heard


East River May---
a bride has her picture taken
leaning on a tree


no more testosterone---
new IMF head
has two X chromosomes


Japan's pink and red roses---
they might start
a chain reaction


morning fog---
a man disappears behind
the Times front page


Saturday sunset---
she puts on makeup
to go out


Saturday night fog---
the bars also
dim their lights


Obama in the midst
of Mideast quagmire---
damned if you do or don't


morning blue sky---
a bakery runs out
of croissants


evening fog---
a gift shop has a poster of
the Empire State Building


steady Spring drizzle---
a couple stop
to kiss


skip paying your bar bill
tomorrow is Judgement day


a King's ransom---
DSK out on bail will live
under house arrest


morning half-and-half---
Manhattan fog
here blue sky


overcast at dusk---
kids play on the street
hide and seek


seventies disco---
I can still
dance to it


morning fog---
a passer by
talks to himself


morning fog---
a teacher writes
with a yellow marker


fog at sunset---
she waters
the lilacs


East River Spring showers---
a duck dives then surfaces
and repeats


Baby Boomers---
some refuse to grow
beyond their puberty


morning fog---
an exhibitionist is
unable to get noticed


Queen Elizabeth lands
in Ireland---
dressed in shamrock green


he should go back to acting
to do soap operas


every morning---
Facebook announcements:
which friend friends who


morning fog---
a crow


a foggy day---
she buys yellow daffodils
on her way home


what DSK did to her
stated in court---
must had lots of practice


Strauss-Khan has an alibi---
is it on New York
or Paris time


morning dense fog---
the only curtain I close
is in the shower


Strauss-Khan syndrome---
should be treated as
a mental illness


the mental scars of wars---
they are not


morning fog---
power plant chimneys like
medieval knights lances


a Socialist with vulgar
royalty traits---
Strauss-Kahn jailed in New York


the door bell rings twice---
I forget whom I told
to do that


Saturday night---
the cat goes out
but no noise yet


cloudy dreary day---
I escape
to the Turkish baths


out in short sleeves---
now I feel
Winter is over


as I view Trump Tower---
he should stop running
and go back to work


Saturday morning ---
I am still dreaming
of last night


Friday the Thirteenth---
my train arrives
on time


morning cloudy sky---
a kid refuses to eat
his oatmeal


the mighty Mississippi
is flooding---
deer go where people go


UV-index-nine day---
bikinis sighted in the park:
some no bras


May blue sky---
the ices man has a sale
on plain vanilla


crowded subway---
she pretends
not to see me


cacophony of nations---
Syria wants to join
the Human Rights Council


navy blue clouds of the horizon
tell what comes next


bright Spring day---
clouds like small islands:
a contrail navigates around them


blue sky---
a man out for a walk
leaves his worries behind


may dusk---
the soccer game on the street
keeps going


US wants to question
Bin Laden wives---
but do they want to answer


May blue sky---
a traveling salesman of Panama hats
passes by


a man whistles:
a bird answers


May sunset---
the barbecue coal
also turns red


East River Spring hot wind---
bobbing ducks look


Assad on a loose leash from Obama
kills more people


morning blue sky---
a dragon falls


the difference between those
who hit and don't is education


blue sky---
kids go to buy flowers:
Mother's Day


"Animal Kingdom" wins
the Kentucky Derby---
now that's no bull


Saturday night crescent moon---
with all that horniness


the sun shines into
my kitchen as it sets---
I need to clean better


Kentucky Derby---
the kids in bars are too busy
for a horse race


blue sky---
a pedestrian on the Brooklyn Bridge
looks up


Friday night crescent moon-
a drunk says he has seen
the perfect smile


Friday night---
she asks me if
I do mint juleps


smoking man passes me---
his coughing as if
the echo of his smoke


East River Spring choppy waters---
she dangles her feet
but no touching


morning blue sky---
a sax player


mass arrests in Syria---
as if life there is not already
a jail


crescent moon over the skyline---
a couple wants
to swing


early May---
the sun starts to set
behind the lilacs


picture of Bin Laden dead
won't be released---
some one will wikileak


Cinco De Mayo---
our addictions are
killing them


blue sky---
a stutterer speaks


Geronimo is no Bin Laden---
Native Americans


afternoon fog---
a lounge pianist sings
Moon Light in Vermont


Spring rain falls on new green leaves-
the waitress brings me
a salad


April morning shower---
a baritone


Pakistan Government---
with such friends
who needs enemies


East River grey Spring day---
a dog goes to rest itself
on just mowed grass


blue sky---
a singing soprano
breaks no glass


clouds at sunset---
a train blows its whistle
any way


Osama Bin Laden dead---
shot in the head
buried at sea


a merry-go-round---
but there are
no dolphins


Sunday blue sky---
a preacher talks
about Hellfire


like a twisted roll
of hundred dollar bills---
Frank Gehry's skyscraper


flakes from the bark of a Sycamore-
I go buy
dandruff shampoo


blue sky---
a royal bride


late night---
a knock
on the door


low dark clouds---
I watch a
film noir


morning fog---
the connection between
sky and skyline is blurred


evening fog---
the laughter of women
behind me


Obama releases
his birth certificate---
Trump wants more


hot Spring lunch hour---
no one is


mostly blue sky---
a stock broker reads
ticker tape


two contrails at sunset---
the tails are


East River hot day---
the screaming of kids at play
wakes me up


morning coffee---
the cat wants it
just white


late night fog---
I recall my younger years
in London


Sakura at peak---
like its trees
Japan will recover


afternoon fog---
a man who wants to jump
off a bridge changes his mind


East River hot day---
the basketball players
slow down


morning dense fog---
my neighbor forgets
her curtains open


many gone missing in Homs
Assad---like father
like son


East River warm Spring Sunday-
a man teaches his son
how to bat


a banner---
outside a church:
"Christ Is Risen"


Easter Sunday---
little girls in new
colorful outfits


Saturday evening fog---
only the sound of high heels


humans are born moving
and don't stop till they die


rebels cast Assad:
a doctor in London-
a butcher in Syria


fog and rain---
I pass a closed
nudists club


Saturday morning fog---
the void grey round tray
where last night pizza sat


Earth Day Easter Sunday weekend-
Empire State Building
caped in green


Earth Day---
an earth worm tries
to survive soil erosion


stock market closed
a trader invests in the afterlife---
Good Friday


not amused---
a cat looks
in the mirror


blue sky---
but clouds creep from afar:
Good Friday


a Spring cloudless sunset---
the barmaid buttons up
her blouse


Spring blue sky---
an ant walks to the top
of the window glass


holy week sunset---
the red


afternoon haze---
the park chess players
need more time


Spring waxes---
cherry blossom petals pressed
on sidewalks by passers heels


East River Spring fog---
a duck duo dive
under water


late night---
an air traffic controller buys
a six pack of Diet Coke


as she lies in bed---
he kisses her cheek
before he leaves


morning smoke and fog---
a magician says
he prefers smoke


Syria's Assad---
a carrot in one hand
and a gun in the other


morning Spring drizzle---
a long line at
the bathroom


as a royal wedding nears---
talk abound
who will be England's next queen


the Passover---
this year the Egyptians were
liberated from a Pharaoh


Congress is on Spring break---
it's us who need a break
not them


mostly blue sky---
two argue is Obama
black or white


dark clouds passing---
the sun teases
before it sets


East River Spring---
men pretend to fight
to attract girls


Palm Sunday---
palm trees


Sunday morning---
a dog can't find
a fire hydrant


Sunday blue sky---
a church organist has
cleaned his pipes


stormy Saturday night---
a satyr stays
and reads the Kama Sutra


evening fog---
the skyline red lights seem
to be talking


April fog---
the groom shows up


Saturday morning---
a man whizzes by
hauling a classic guitar


Saturday morning cloudy sky---
the golfers use
yellow balls


sunny Spring day---
the icy cold wind wants you
to add an expletive


blue sky---
a tv satellite


blue clouds at sunset---
some lovers are
into biting


hot Spring day---
an avalanche of naked legs
and a dearth of niceness


blue sky---
a portrait artist needs
a customer


the eggs fully boiled---
after the fog
a Waxing Gibbous sets


East River fog---
eyes can't see far but
the mind's daydreams are bottomless


morning fog---
a driver stops to ask
where is Manhattan


skyline evening fog---
Gulliver in the
land of giants


I go for a walk it rains
I go home the sun shines


Trump is a birther---
get out
of here


Spring dark clouds---
a gardener stops
to look up


year's first hot day---
East River lovers
smooch in their cars


year's first hot day---
a little girl dances
to tune of the ice-cream truck


year's first hot day---
a woman wears
the niqab


year's first hot day---
after wearing layers
I feel naked in t-shirt


morning fog---
a man says excuse me
to a tree


Sunday afternoon---
the playground kids
have more disputes


protesters die every day and
no one hears from Obama


so many act lyrical---
it must be 'cause it's


Sunday cloudy sky---
she reads the news
from Japan


crescent moon
over the skyline---
rounded lips kiss


Saturday night---
among the usual faces
an old friend


Saturday sunset---
in a pub mirror
plenty of flushed faces


a short cut thru a junk yard---
at the other end
cherry blossom trees


blue sky---
a foodie eats
all the icing on the cake


morning fog---
instead of the skyline
a bed sheet


lost in translation---
this Passover the Haggadah
is sex neutral


they won't shut the government---
they want to get paid
for working so hard


dark clouds over the skyline---
they light as
they pass over skyscrapers


afternoon fog---
a turtle comes out for a moment
then goes back in


cloudy sky---
I look for signs of Spring
a bat and glove in the park


a concubine wears
only perfume---
a crescent moon


I take a shower---
a squirrel on the fire escape
stops to eye me


cloudy morning---
a blond surfaces
from the subway


Spring showers---
at a bus stop
their bus is late


afternoon cloudy sky---
a nun passes


blue sky---
a goalie feels
like kicking


the storm clouds clear---
crescent moon
over the skyline


a rain storm ends---
scattered petals of
flowering trees


water water everywhere
but not a drop to drink


morning fog---
the cat hides
under the bed


Monday night---
the bartender is
nice to me


four four one one(4/4/11)
a perfect


Spring cloudy sky---
a man paints
his roof white


Spring nice Sunday
the hopscotch girls keep fouling---
boys pass by


sudden as its ruin---
Japan will blossom soon
like a cherry tree


morning blue sky---
I clean
my glasses


Saturday night---
none is here for the reason
the others think they are


Saturday sunset---
no one is here
but a line of ants


nice Spring day---
a husky curls sitting
as if it is mid Winter


the Quran burning---
bigotry spews
more bigotry


Spring blue sky---
a train blows
its whistle


April Fool Day---
the Empire State Building lit
in true blue


the finale of a storm---
sunlight through
a crack in the horizon


I can't tell if it's still raining---
my window is covered
with rain drops


morning fog---
a phallic symbol
is fogged out


April fool---
a pregnant woman tells
the father the truth


dark clouds at dawn---
a neon sign
stays on


"alive and well---"
a lost Bronx Zoo cobra
has been found