shoes at the entrance
of the prayer room of a mosque
I dig up my
heavy sweaters---
December First blue sky
a jogger wears
a sweatsuit and gloves---
November last sunrise
November mist---
for a better odor
visit the perfumes section
#clouds 5/7/5
morning low dark clouds---
a woman dressed in purple
wants to know my sign
morning dark clouds---
a woman asks me
what is my sign
East River sunset---
a black swan
a pas de deux---
it is obvious
she does not like him
Christmas decor---
a front porch Santa has
a tennis ball for a nose
East River Thanksgiving---
leafless trees and
algae covered black rocks
late November blue sky---
a sale on
late November---
the sound of an organ
as I pass an old church
late November sunshine---
potted poinsettias
on sale
I look up orange streaks all over
Thanksgiving weekend
blue sky---
a man belches
Thanksgiving leftovers
Black Friday sunrise---
the cheap stuff by now
sold out
East River Thanksgiving Day---
so many out working off
the turkey
blue sky---
plenty of room for the balloons
of Thanksgiving Parade
the smell of roast
Thanksgiving Day
Empire State Building lit
red and orange---
Thanksgiving is tomorrow
late November---
his wife says he can't even
cook an omelet
morning fog---
a man says he's just arrived
from London
evening fog---
a theatre still has tickets
for a partial view
ball games that mimic war---
at times play stops
and fighting erupts
overcast morning---
a toy train passes
through a tunnel
the skyline---
little dots of lights
where real people live
late November---
a Santa Claus
goes to work
East River late November---
grey sky and waters
a tanker sails by
Manhattan China town---
going to a foreign land
in the subway
Manhattan blue sky---
you can only see it
one piece at a time
Saturday morning---
a tennis player waits
for his mate
late November blue sky---
Indians send
a smoke message
hard times---
for many their holidays cheer
is a pretense
November blue sky---
a man dives
for wild oysters
kid asks who's the
sugar plum fairy---
Nutcracker opens tomorrow
the torrential rain stopped---
I crave a gumbo
for lunch
overcast sky---
a yellow submarine
lib ed---
it costs a lot to talk all night long
but it's worth it
a November tree is oven red---
going to buy
a turkey
afternoon fog---
a man keeps walking
and saying excuse me
as she feeds the pigeons---
watch out as you pass under
power lines
mid November rain storm---
nothing needs plenty water
but the car wash
Facebook wants your real name-
a rose by any other name
still a rose
occupy Wall Street is outed---
if you can't beat 'em
join 'em
cloudy morning---
a man munches on
a powdered donut
the pain of adults who were
molested by their teachers
November cloudy sky---
a woman wears cherry red
high heels
November the Thirteenth---
a man doodling keeps
drawing a rabbit foot
the windows of a vet---
dogs and cats look like us
when they're sick
can't get enough worship
of the lovelorn---
full moon at sunrise
Saturday sunset---
a kissed bride
Saturday blue sky---
the kids soccer game
is still scoreless
afternoon smog---
I go indoors to see
a whiter shade of pale
still out trying to score---
November full moon
at sunrise
fallen Autumn leaves---
rounded up and sent
to incinerators
blue sky---
a mourning dove calls---
Veterans Day
the next time
you'll be dead
Japan's hand held
device of choice---
is now a Geiger counter
#Casablanca the movie
"of all the gin joints---
she walks
into mine."
morning dense fog---
football coach Joe Paterno
is fired
East River November---
a plastic bag on a tree
refuses to fall
morning haze---
a carriage horse wears
needs company
on a cold night---
full moon close to Venus
a triple whammy
quake tsunami radiation leak---
and still clicking
Empire State Building lit
in red white and blue---
Elections Day
past Sci Fi is future fact---
NASA to land astronauts
on Mars
the one who beat Ali---
Joe Frazier
morning blue sky---
a man driving to work
has a flat
East River balmy Fall day---
the playground is full
of screaming kids
an OTB office---
a man checks discarded tickets
for winners
morning blue sky---
a guard goes to his job
in a jail
after all the pumpkins are gone-
a setting November
full moon
East River November---
the ice-cream truck
is still here
God tests the faith of Abraham---
the Muslim Feast
of Sacrifice
blue sky---
a scholar reads
the Dead Sea Scrolls
New York blue sky---
runners take off their sweatsuits
to run the marathon
Geometry board
tangent to a curve---
moon and contrail in a blue sky
my website is down---
I watch a spider
working on its
morning blue sky---
a photographer runs out
of film
as I look west
glass of windows on fire---
all these lonely people---
where do they
come from
East River November---
choppy waters and hobbling wind
a boat floats
Friday blue sky---
a woman wearing the hijab
looks up
the First Egyptian Revolution---
Nasser topples
King Farouk
morning clouds---
a woman knits a sweater
a man says his phone solar battery
is now fully charged
end of her shift---
a waitress goes
into a jacuzzi
November blue sky---
a dog pisses
on yellow leaves
Occupy Wall Street---
color of their tents blue
like that of cops cars
as the nights get longer---
a day moon becomes night moon
at sunset
morning blue sky---
a man takes off the wrapper
a dark chocolate bar
a day moon changes to night moon
at sunset
East River November
bright sun shines on yellow leaves-
brisk wind
Thursday, December 01, 2011
Tuesday, November 01, 2011
1 November 2011
blue sky---
all the bad vibes pass
November First
October sunset---
not all yesterday's snow
there has not been any
for a while---the well
of wiki leaks dries up
October blue sky---
snow covers
the roofs
an October snow storm
fells many trees---
with leaves still on
October snow storm---
Occupy Wall Street members
stay inside their tents
October afternoon---
a sudden snow shower
of goblins
the cemetery on
an Autumn stormy day---
no one cares
snow on the way
and it's not even Halloween yet---
will it still light up---
miss liberty to close
for renovation
October cool---
snow birds book travel
to Florida
October cools---
I buy a fan
that heats the air
cold October blue sky---
a barber has a special
on head shaves
floods in Bangkok---
and they ask the PM
if she's crying
evening fog---
the taller the building
the more it's decapitated
a stormy day---
I go into an Irish pub
and have a Guinness
civil wars---
they rarely end
after the fighting stops
late October nor'easter---
you can't see far 'cause
too many ghosts
October beach sunset---
a red Ferrari
speeds by
cloudy October---
screams heard from a house
as I pass by
Afghan kids---
when they see GI's
they ask them for pens
October contrail at sunset---
a man says that's
a spirit
Qaddafi dead---
Libya's new
October morning blue sky---
all the ghosts gone
October sunrise---
Venus sets above
the skyline
East River Autumn---
the seagulls skim
the water for fish
the eaters of horse meat---
they've never been close
to a live horse ever
last week of October---
a witch prepares
her concoction
a cat walks back
blue sky---
a yellow cab passes
with its empty trunk open
nice October Sunday---
an embassy sentry
goes out of his box
Sunday blue sky---
as I wait for
a football game to start
overcast Sunday morning---
the smell of
cigar smoke
Saturday sunset---
a redhead asks me
if I have a light
Steve Jobs bio---
I read while biting
an Autumn apple
old laptop---
I back up my data
to the cloud
October blue sky---
a man hunts for mushrooms
in the park
I wear my leather jacket---
Autumn invigorating
cold chill
lunch time---
a concrete city park
with a waterfall
clouds of various shapes---
a man goes on a safari
in his mind
Gaddafi is dead---
but what is
October clouds at sunset---
the scent of baking
pumpkin pie
October morning blue sky---
a woman in black
October evening fog---
the sound of steps
behind me
morning rain---
a frog goes back
into the pond
October morning fog---
ghosts come out
of chimneys
October sunset---
she buys
black tulips
an abandoned house---
the sound of slamming a door
nice October night---
dancers' legs
a kid wants to play
more hide and seek
an old man shaves---
a setting
day moon
blue sky---
the subway is crowded
with people going to work
my door bell rings
but no one is there---
bull riding---
it's a matter of how long
it takes the bull to win
East River October---
many bank anglers
mostly blue fish
Autumn blue sky---
a man goes into
an outdoors jacuzzi
blue sky---
a man empties his pockets
Autumn day moon
the sun starts to set
away from my kitchen---
Winter is coming
October blue sky---
but for a ghost
a day moon
plays hide and seek---
a day moon goes
behind clouds
it's witchcraft---
October moon
at sunrise
Thailand Monsoon season---
the elephants are
front porch---
their Halloween characters
are behind a sea of lilacs
a lost cat ad---
they know how to find
a better deal
my network is down---
a bird sings
on top of a cell tower
early morning---
a bald man cracks
a soft boiled egg
morning fog---
a witch shrieks
mid October
Occupy Wall Street---
a cop's horse
evening dense fog---
a couple
hold hands
morning fog---
the skyline covered with spider webs
mid October
afternoon fog---
the day's news
in HD
some men still wear shorts
mid October
the charm of innocence---
a man watches
an Audrey Hepburn movie
Topeka, Kansas---
it's now legal
to beat your wife
Times Square old timers---
can get lost walking
in the middle of the street
cloudy sky---
an economist predicts
no growth
I discover the shortest
route to pizza---
Columbus Day
a ship goes to India
through the Panama Canal---
Columbus Day
blue sky---
a nanny has
the day off
a witch takes out her broom-
full moon
more Indian Summer---
some men don't look good
the race---
all the elephants are too old
to beat the lead donkey
blue sky---
a jet airplane
keeps on rising
contrails at sunset---
a man says he can smell
the smoke of hemp
East River October---
strong surf whips its banks
a rat comes out to look
Indian Summer day---
it took till the afternoon
for it to sink in
blue sky---
a Poker player loses
his shirt
blue sky---
Jews fast
Yom Kippur
Empire State Building lit
green, white, and red---
Columbus Day weekend starts
a Yemeni woman wins
the Noble Peace Prize
beauty is limitless---
blue sky
October morning blue sky---
all the ghosts have
gone to sleep
a black poodle
is out for a walk
October sunset---
no purple leaves
I thought it
just started
I find a shortcut
to my favorite bar
October blue sky---
a scarecrow wears
I find out about it
on my iPhone---
Steve Jobs dies
October cloudless sunset---
a witch closes
the curtains
aimlessly I walk---
I pass a stray dogs
morning blue sky---
a man draws the bed sheet
over his head
Autumn dawn---
Venus above
the skyline
October blue sky
at sunset---
a witch is enraged
late night---
I open a window
a moth brushes against my cheek
Assad expands---
his goons attack activists
in the US
Spain's Duchess of Alba
will remarry
finally a skyline
clear night---
October chill
stormy dark clouds---
pink through a crack
in the horizon
October over cast sky---
a seagull stays
early morning---
a peacock displays
its tail
October sunrise---
cotton candy
storm clouds suddenly clear-
a couple argue about
global warming
East River October still waters-
an oil tanker makes
its own waves
let 'em eat cake---
cuffed for protesting
the avarice of Wall Street
Sunday morning---
a man at the office working
blue sky---
the Sunday Times protrudes
from a mailbox
Saturday night---
it's still warm enough
to wait out in line
I drink Schaefer beer
the sweet redness of her lips
blue sky---
all the bad vibes pass
November First
October sunset---
not all yesterday's snow
there has not been any
for a while---the well
of wiki leaks dries up
October blue sky---
snow covers
the roofs
an October snow storm
fells many trees---
with leaves still on
October snow storm---
Occupy Wall Street members
stay inside their tents
October afternoon---
a sudden snow shower
of goblins
the cemetery on
an Autumn stormy day---
no one cares
snow on the way
and it's not even Halloween yet---
will it still light up---
miss liberty to close
for renovation
October cool---
snow birds book travel
to Florida
October cools---
I buy a fan
that heats the air
cold October blue sky---
a barber has a special
on head shaves
floods in Bangkok---
and they ask the PM
if she's crying
evening fog---
the taller the building
the more it's decapitated
a stormy day---
I go into an Irish pub
and have a Guinness
civil wars---
they rarely end
after the fighting stops
late October nor'easter---
you can't see far 'cause
too many ghosts
October beach sunset---
a red Ferrari
speeds by
cloudy October---
screams heard from a house
as I pass by
Afghan kids---
when they see GI's
they ask them for pens
October contrail at sunset---
a man says that's
a spirit
Qaddafi dead---
Libya's new
October morning blue sky---
all the ghosts gone
October sunrise---
Venus sets above
the skyline
East River Autumn---
the seagulls skim
the water for fish
the eaters of horse meat---
they've never been close
to a live horse ever
last week of October---
a witch prepares
her concoction
a cat walks back
blue sky---
a yellow cab passes
with its empty trunk open
nice October Sunday---
an embassy sentry
goes out of his box
Sunday blue sky---
as I wait for
a football game to start
overcast Sunday morning---
the smell of
cigar smoke
Saturday sunset---
a redhead asks me
if I have a light
Steve Jobs bio---
I read while biting
an Autumn apple
old laptop---
I back up my data
to the cloud
October blue sky---
a man hunts for mushrooms
in the park
I wear my leather jacket---
Autumn invigorating
cold chill
lunch time---
a concrete city park
with a waterfall
clouds of various shapes---
a man goes on a safari
in his mind
Gaddafi is dead---
but what is
October clouds at sunset---
the scent of baking
pumpkin pie
October morning blue sky---
a woman in black
October evening fog---
the sound of steps
behind me
morning rain---
a frog goes back
into the pond
October morning fog---
ghosts come out
of chimneys
October sunset---
she buys
black tulips
an abandoned house---
the sound of slamming a door
nice October night---
dancers' legs
a kid wants to play
more hide and seek
an old man shaves---
a setting
day moon
blue sky---
the subway is crowded
with people going to work
my door bell rings
but no one is there---
bull riding---
it's a matter of how long
it takes the bull to win
East River October---
many bank anglers
mostly blue fish
Autumn blue sky---
a man goes into
an outdoors jacuzzi
blue sky---
a man empties his pockets
Autumn day moon
the sun starts to set
away from my kitchen---
Winter is coming
October blue sky---
but for a ghost
a day moon
plays hide and seek---
a day moon goes
behind clouds
it's witchcraft---
October moon
at sunrise
Thailand Monsoon season---
the elephants are
front porch---
their Halloween characters
are behind a sea of lilacs
a lost cat ad---
they know how to find
a better deal
my network is down---
a bird sings
on top of a cell tower
early morning---
a bald man cracks
a soft boiled egg
morning fog---
a witch shrieks
mid October
Occupy Wall Street---
a cop's horse
evening dense fog---
a couple
hold hands
morning fog---
the skyline covered with spider webs
mid October
afternoon fog---
the day's news
in HD
some men still wear shorts
mid October
the charm of innocence---
a man watches
an Audrey Hepburn movie
Topeka, Kansas---
it's now legal
to beat your wife
Times Square old timers---
can get lost walking
in the middle of the street
cloudy sky---
an economist predicts
no growth
I discover the shortest
route to pizza---
Columbus Day
a ship goes to India
through the Panama Canal---
Columbus Day
blue sky---
a nanny has
the day off
a witch takes out her broom-
full moon
more Indian Summer---
some men don't look good
the race---
all the elephants are too old
to beat the lead donkey
blue sky---
a jet airplane
keeps on rising
contrails at sunset---
a man says he can smell
the smoke of hemp
East River October---
strong surf whips its banks
a rat comes out to look
Indian Summer day---
it took till the afternoon
for it to sink in
blue sky---
a Poker player loses
his shirt
blue sky---
Jews fast
Yom Kippur
Empire State Building lit
green, white, and red---
Columbus Day weekend starts
a Yemeni woman wins
the Noble Peace Prize
beauty is limitless---
blue sky
October morning blue sky---
all the ghosts have
gone to sleep
a black poodle
is out for a walk
October sunset---
no purple leaves
I thought it
just started
I find a shortcut
to my favorite bar
October blue sky---
a scarecrow wears
I find out about it
on my iPhone---
Steve Jobs dies
October cloudless sunset---
a witch closes
the curtains
aimlessly I walk---
I pass a stray dogs
morning blue sky---
a man draws the bed sheet
over his head
Autumn dawn---
Venus above
the skyline
October blue sky
at sunset---
a witch is enraged
late night---
I open a window
a moth brushes against my cheek
Assad expands---
his goons attack activists
in the US
Spain's Duchess of Alba
will remarry
finally a skyline
clear night---
October chill
stormy dark clouds---
pink through a crack
in the horizon
October over cast sky---
a seagull stays
early morning---
a peacock displays
its tail
October sunrise---
cotton candy
storm clouds suddenly clear-
a couple argue about
global warming
East River October still waters-
an oil tanker makes
its own waves
let 'em eat cake---
cuffed for protesting
the avarice of Wall Street
Sunday morning---
a man at the office working
blue sky---
the Sunday Times protrudes
from a mailbox
Saturday night---
it's still warm enough
to wait out in line
I drink Schaefer beer
the sweet redness of her lips
Saturday, October 01, 2011
a man has a nightmare---
the "Shock and Awe"
invasion of Iraq
skyline low clouds---
the outline of
a Himalayan village
Autumn cleaning---
it now smells of chemicals
instead of bacteria
as the Earth circles the Sun---
each day is the start and end
of a year
blue sky---
a kid says he can't
find his homework
a lover's gaze---
the skyline
the rain stops
the sun comes out---
a couple kiss
afternoon dark clouds---
a smoke shop has a special
on nicotine gum
a man tries to think
of something to say---
September ends
Autumn sunshine---
a swarm of flies over
street spilled garbage
evening low clouds---
the Empire State Building
loses its prick
afternoon fog---
a smilie face is
turned upside down
Rosh Hashanah---
Jews will celebrate
their new year
morning fog and rain---
a school kid is happy
to be in class
Saudi Arabia---
sentenced to ten lashes
for driving a car
fog at sunset---
a man orders
a pepperoni pizza
there's no meaning to dead end
other than dead end
Astoria Park---
the sound of walking
on dead leaves
a mother says:
"you always harvest what you sow"-
morning fog---
a man keeps re-cleaning
his eyeglasses
Autumn sunset---
a store has no more
a downhill skier
looks at a bare slope---
early morning---
a circus clown
blue sky---
an ambulance is stuck
in the morning traffic
Saudi Arabia grants
women right to vote---
but still they can't drive
street food---
grass grows in cracks of sidewalks
sparrows love it
East River Autumn---
a duck swimming downstream
keeps whirling
next to the sunflowers---
pumpkins are
on sale
blue sky---
a little girl drops
her rag doll
the storm clouds start
to recede---
sunshine in the horizon
a kid asks his dad
where did it come from---
the moon
a flashing yellow
traffic light
the Mideast talks---
Arabs and Israelis talk
a lot
an Autumn rain storm---
it's romantic
if you're indoors
First Day of Autumn---
everyone carries
an umbrella
there's something that's
faster than light: neutrinos---
dump your physics books
overcast day---
enough pink to know
the sun has set
overcast day
the subway has more
pizzazz than the street
morning fog---
a couple kiss at the top
of the Empire State Building
Feast of San Gennaro---
Little Italy swings
in-spite of the rain
cloudy days---
they make loneliness
morning fog---
a pencil sketch needs
sharper lines
the "don't ask, don't tell"---
is now
I crack a window
to get some fresh air---
I get more smell of cooking
a parked car has
its windows steamed---
a rainy beach day
cloudy sky---
a man has egg whites
for breakfast
a ballet dancer starts
to warm up
East River---
so many bridges now
hence, no more ferries
under the same roof---
a dog and a cat decide
to coexist
morning blue sky---
nothing is left of last night
blueberry pie
East River brisk bright
September Sunday---
cotton puffs clouds
Children chant---
an Ukrainian church
has a street festival
a man says he does not
believe in spirits---
a day moon
Sunday blue sky---
a Muslim woman readjusts
her head scarf
Saturday sunset---
a hair dresser
works faster
Saturday morning---
rabbits on the tracks
a train blows its horn
September sunrise---
a leaf falls off
a tree
Autumn nears---
I look for
a sweater
sudden September chill---
I drink
my coffee hot
morning day moon---
just the snow cap
of a mountain
morning blue sky---
a man looks
at lilacs
at the end of a rainy day---
the horizon clears
at sunset
September shower---
no one takes
New York fashion week---
the audience also
dresses up
a man bites into a biscuit
waning moon
Mideast deal---
Israelis will not yield
'cause Obama seeks second term
the glow of gold---
the sun sets behind
City Bank headquarters
afternoon dark clouds---
a man puffs
on his pipe
gang kids---
making an asphalt park into
an asphalt jungle
the skyline lights turn off
a September full moon
East River mid September---
only the ice-cream truck
is missing
attention men---
the more caring you are
the less your sex drive*
*ref: NYT 9/13/2011
blue sky---
a cards player thinks
it's his lucky day
a night moon changes
to a day moon
Empire State Building
lit in blue---
September full moon
the US Open
men's final---
Nadal lost
age does not matter---
Doris Day has
a new album
day after---when a president says
we don't torture
he should mean it
morning blue sky---
a bakery is out of
powdered donuts
a student does another
all nighter---
a setting moon at sunrise
overcast sky at sunset---
September the Eleventh
waiting for him she stares
at her engagement ring---
as we mark Nine-Eleven---
Japan marks six months
since Three-Eleven
the night watchman acts jittery
a full moon
US Open---
Nadal versus Murray:
they both won
sun peaks through holes
in the clouds as it sets---
a kid holds a rag doll
blue sky---
an astronomer looks
for dark matter
it's still too early
for pumpkins---
a setting full moon
late Summer---
the sun sets behind
the chimneys of a power plant
Obama's jobs creation speech---
without jobs
he might lose his job
city life---
strangers will get to know you
without speaking with you
as an old lady sweeps
dead leaves---blue sky appears
from behind dark clouds
the fans are on---
a fly keeps walking
the floors
East River Summer---
the tennis players think
it's the US Open
after the storm---
an old lady feeds
the pigeons
a morning of dark clouds---
I hurry to go
into the subway
the storm fog
still covers the top floors---
just CEO's are affected
math class---
a student flashes back
to his Summer vacation
morning fog---
a dog walks
its owner
they all want to visit
the Big Apple---
remnants of storm Lee pass through
is not for writing:
it's for speaking
a nor'easter---
birds do fly in the rain:
if they have to
a college town---
the fog adds
to the confusion of new students
for the first day
of the school year---
a new rain storm
a walk at sunset---
garbage bags line the streets
Labor Day ends
the US Open on Labor Day---
tennis players
are well paid
Labor Day---
the politicians continue their
mundane blabbering
a Summer picnic---
a poodle has the hots
for another
new PM in Japan---
may be they should choose
a woman for a change
dark clouds at sunset---
the US Open lights
brighten up
when horses ran the bus system---
time on the job:
dead in four years
they're having their own Spring---
Israelis protest economic
hard times
the Olympic Games---
I'm still bitter about
losing to London
UN vote on
Palestinian statehood---
US will lose by winning
this Labor Day Weekend---
just say
yes we can
cloudy sky at sunrise---
I put sugar
on my grapefruit
Empire State Building
lit in red, white, and blue---
Labor Day Weekend starts
robots replace
East River choppy waters---
just a seagull to view:
late Summer
a man has a nightmare---
the "Shock and Awe"
invasion of Iraq
skyline low clouds---
the outline of
a Himalayan village
Autumn cleaning---
it now smells of chemicals
instead of bacteria
as the Earth circles the Sun---
each day is the start and end
of a year
blue sky---
a kid says he can't
find his homework
a lover's gaze---
the skyline
the rain stops
the sun comes out---
a couple kiss
afternoon dark clouds---
a smoke shop has a special
on nicotine gum
a man tries to think
of something to say---
September ends
Autumn sunshine---
a swarm of flies over
street spilled garbage
evening low clouds---
the Empire State Building
loses its prick
afternoon fog---
a smilie face is
turned upside down
Rosh Hashanah---
Jews will celebrate
their new year
morning fog and rain---
a school kid is happy
to be in class
Saudi Arabia---
sentenced to ten lashes
for driving a car
fog at sunset---
a man orders
a pepperoni pizza
there's no meaning to dead end
other than dead end
Astoria Park---
the sound of walking
on dead leaves
a mother says:
"you always harvest what you sow"-
morning fog---
a man keeps re-cleaning
his eyeglasses
Autumn sunset---
a store has no more
a downhill skier
looks at a bare slope---
early morning---
a circus clown
blue sky---
an ambulance is stuck
in the morning traffic
Saudi Arabia grants
women right to vote---
but still they can't drive
street food---
grass grows in cracks of sidewalks
sparrows love it
East River Autumn---
a duck swimming downstream
keeps whirling
next to the sunflowers---
pumpkins are
on sale
blue sky---
a little girl drops
her rag doll
the storm clouds start
to recede---
sunshine in the horizon
a kid asks his dad
where did it come from---
the moon
a flashing yellow
traffic light
the Mideast talks---
Arabs and Israelis talk
a lot
an Autumn rain storm---
it's romantic
if you're indoors
First Day of Autumn---
everyone carries
an umbrella
there's something that's
faster than light: neutrinos---
dump your physics books
overcast day---
enough pink to know
the sun has set
overcast day
the subway has more
pizzazz than the street
morning fog---
a couple kiss at the top
of the Empire State Building
Feast of San Gennaro---
Little Italy swings
in-spite of the rain
cloudy days---
they make loneliness
morning fog---
a pencil sketch needs
sharper lines
the "don't ask, don't tell"---
is now
I crack a window
to get some fresh air---
I get more smell of cooking
a parked car has
its windows steamed---
a rainy beach day
cloudy sky---
a man has egg whites
for breakfast
a ballet dancer starts
to warm up
East River---
so many bridges now
hence, no more ferries
under the same roof---
a dog and a cat decide
to coexist
morning blue sky---
nothing is left of last night
blueberry pie
East River brisk bright
September Sunday---
cotton puffs clouds
Children chant---
an Ukrainian church
has a street festival
a man says he does not
believe in spirits---
a day moon
Sunday blue sky---
a Muslim woman readjusts
her head scarf
Saturday sunset---
a hair dresser
works faster
Saturday morning---
rabbits on the tracks
a train blows its horn
September sunrise---
a leaf falls off
a tree
Autumn nears---
I look for
a sweater
sudden September chill---
I drink
my coffee hot
morning day moon---
just the snow cap
of a mountain
morning blue sky---
a man looks
at lilacs
at the end of a rainy day---
the horizon clears
at sunset
September shower---
no one takes
New York fashion week---
the audience also
dresses up
a man bites into a biscuit
waning moon
Mideast deal---
Israelis will not yield
'cause Obama seeks second term
the glow of gold---
the sun sets behind
City Bank headquarters
afternoon dark clouds---
a man puffs
on his pipe
gang kids---
making an asphalt park into
an asphalt jungle
the skyline lights turn off
a September full moon
East River mid September---
only the ice-cream truck
is missing
attention men---
the more caring you are
the less your sex drive*
*ref: NYT 9/13/2011
blue sky---
a cards player thinks
it's his lucky day
a night moon changes
to a day moon
Empire State Building
lit in blue---
September full moon
the US Open
men's final---
Nadal lost
age does not matter---
Doris Day has
a new album
day after---when a president says
we don't torture
he should mean it
morning blue sky---
a bakery is out of
powdered donuts
a student does another
all nighter---
a setting moon at sunrise
overcast sky at sunset---
September the Eleventh
waiting for him she stares
at her engagement ring---
as we mark Nine-Eleven---
Japan marks six months
since Three-Eleven
the night watchman acts jittery
a full moon
US Open---
Nadal versus Murray:
they both won
sun peaks through holes
in the clouds as it sets---
a kid holds a rag doll
blue sky---
an astronomer looks
for dark matter
it's still too early
for pumpkins---
a setting full moon
late Summer---
the sun sets behind
the chimneys of a power plant
Obama's jobs creation speech---
without jobs
he might lose his job
city life---
strangers will get to know you
without speaking with you
as an old lady sweeps
dead leaves---blue sky appears
from behind dark clouds
the fans are on---
a fly keeps walking
the floors
East River Summer---
the tennis players think
it's the US Open
after the storm---
an old lady feeds
the pigeons
a morning of dark clouds---
I hurry to go
into the subway
the storm fog
still covers the top floors---
just CEO's are affected
math class---
a student flashes back
to his Summer vacation
morning fog---
a dog walks
its owner
they all want to visit
the Big Apple---
remnants of storm Lee pass through
is not for writing:
it's for speaking
a nor'easter---
birds do fly in the rain:
if they have to
a college town---
the fog adds
to the confusion of new students
for the first day
of the school year---
a new rain storm
a walk at sunset---
garbage bags line the streets
Labor Day ends
the US Open on Labor Day---
tennis players
are well paid
Labor Day---
the politicians continue their
mundane blabbering
a Summer picnic---
a poodle has the hots
for another
new PM in Japan---
may be they should choose
a woman for a change
dark clouds at sunset---
the US Open lights
brighten up
when horses ran the bus system---
time on the job:
dead in four years
they're having their own Spring---
Israelis protest economic
hard times
the Olympic Games---
I'm still bitter about
losing to London
UN vote on
Palestinian statehood---
US will lose by winning
this Labor Day Weekend---
just say
yes we can
cloudy sky at sunrise---
I put sugar
on my grapefruit
Empire State Building
lit in red, white, and blue---
Labor Day Weekend starts
robots replace
East River choppy waters---
just a seagull to view:
late Summer
Friday, September 02, 2011
2 September 2011
on his way to work---
a man draws plans
for his Labor Day Weekend
blue sky---
a couple argue
about money
its battery is weak---
crescent moon sets
behind the skyline
September sunset---
a clown finishes putting on
make up
a grocery store
with narrow isles---
frottage is not allowed
a query---
do Marxists
still exist?
an Uptown Sushi bar---
the chef says
he's Chinese
when will the World rebel---
at how many Assad felled
the night before?
blue sky---
a back to school sale
September First
Wall Street power lunch---
they drink it
the food is just an excuse
August blue sky---
a man covers his head
with today's Times
a Muslim holiday---
the Empire State Building
lit in green
Muslims celebrate
end of Ramadan---
kids parade in new clothes
blue sky---
a man takes his dirty clothes
to the dry cleaner
he was there from the start---
David Honeyboy Edwards
after the hurricane---
the skyline lights
burn bright
East River aft an earthquake
and a hurricane---
as if nothing passed
when nature doesn't nurture nature-
Hurricane Irene felled
many trees
blue sky---
the subway is full
of smiling faces
the clean up
after a hurricane
cold air chases the hot---
Irene is
pigeons are flying again---
Irene downgraded
to tropical storm
Irene continues its onslaught
and I like it
on a wall in Tripoli---
"where's the guy
with crazy hair?"
"good bye Irene
good bye Irene---
I'll see you in my dreams"
a hurricane---
the flies think
my kitchen is a storm shelter
New York screeches to a stop---
the dead quiet before
a hurricane
New Jersey shore surfers stay
as the waves get bigger---
looking at pictures
of a Playboy centerfold---
just because
fog at sunrise---
the overture to
hurricane Irene
hurricane Irene---
is it La Nina
shopping for the hurricane---
Yahrzeit Memorial Candles
are on sale
a hurricane watch---
a fly acts
sunset blue and red clouds draw
a map of a costal line---
Irene nears
an August shower---
a floatplane
flies over
secondhand smoke
in a clinic restroom---
that's sick
late August morning---
the sun shines on
a black garbage bag
Sioux vs the Feds---
money and no land
or land and no money
after he's gone---
will Libya's rebels be able
to agree?
Jorge Luis Borges Labyrinth---
only a blind man
could see it
the earth quake---
it felt the same
as riding the subway
blue sky---
like a fly on a window
a chopper stands
a smokehouse---
but they don't have
August sunset---
I peel a baby
the earthquake---
I thought Zeus and Hera
were having a fight
a man posts a picture
of his lower back
blue sky---
a back to school
where the mistakes of Iraq
were corrected
an unemployed man
finds a job
August blue sky---
a cool breeze makes it feel
the Jets preseason opener---
in the poring
"We are coming for you, frizz-head..."
Libyan rebels enter
more of August thunder 'n lightning---
I watch
a firefly
I go and buy her flowers---
she smiles
late August Sunday morning---
the HD is
not on
Summer Saturday sunset---
a blond wears
a black dress
Queens Boulevard---
from one country to another
as you cross a street
a man tosses the ash
from his pipe---
a Summer day moon
Saturday blue sky---
a betting parlor floor
covered with tossed tickets
talk radio---
some are
I turn off
the Tiffany lamp
August thunder and lightning
at sunset---
kids like it better
East River late August---
most of these skyscrapers
are empty
August noon---
construction workers talk
the economy
a Summer bee
can't make up its mind---
which rose
the edge of the universe---
a ray of light has
no where to go
Syria's Assad---
finally Obama says it:
he has to go
I close my windows---
August impersonates
August noon sun comes out---
I order
eggs Benedict
a bad haiku---
is someone else's
good haiku
August morning gray sky---
a man goes to the bank
to view his gold bars
August sunset---
from the kitchen window
as I do the dishes
kids friendly restaurant---
a little girl goes to talk
to a toddler
the loneliness of
a mid August morning---
a day moon
mid August blue sky---
a tall ship folds
its sails
#an experimental haiku
1: she lies in bed +
1: he lies with her
time passes---
a brass vase
Summer sunset---
a man says he squeezes his own
orange juice
a seafood store---
they remind you
August has no "r"
Manhattan morning fog---
the taller you are
the less they'll notice you
the obituary columnist
now writes humor
overcast August---
the Empire State Building top
is above clouds
end of a storm
the silence
August lunch hour---
the sparrows follow the pigeons
they follow the ants
aft a day of down pours---
how many feet of snow
were it a blizzard
morning dark clouds---
steam rises as I pour
a cup of tea
Iran outlaws
water gun fights
skyline lights shine
on storm clouds
as they pass-August Sunday
Summer rain---
a man on a bicycle carries
an umbrella
ballet dancers---
they are closet
Sunday fog---
a preacher says
the devil works in hidden ways
a rainy day---
a man has a garage sale
on his umbrellas
Summer Sunday morning rain storm-
it sets you
England is back---
just worrying
about soccer
Summer tourists---
the Empire State Building
Mount Rainier----
it's Summer but
the snow is still there
first it's bitter
then sweet---
I taste Schaefer beer
Saturday August Thirteenth---
yesterday was still
an unlucky day
August waxes---
a dog follows
another dog
blue sky---
a man updates his Facebook status
with nothing on his mind
August Friday happy hour---
the bartenders have time
to listen
morning subway---
I squeeze in the space
between two fat ladies
August blue sky---
a pacifist says
he has nothing to protest
like a street lamp that's
about to turn on-
the sun sets aside buildings
August lunch hour---
there aren't enough still here
to gossip about
my next door neighbor---
five daughters
and no sons
morning blue sky---
a dog barks
at a black cat
nothing wrong with the markets-
they still don't do
what we want them to do
a sushi bar---
the better it looks
the worse it tastes
East River August---
no sounds but the calls
of seagulls
Summer blue sky---
a kid has to tidy up
his room
the end of an August stormy day-
just a red
wriggled line
London riots---
the only stores not looted
were bookstores
Summer heavy rain---
a fish truck
passes by
August afternoon fog and rain---
the yellow tulips
look lovely
Summer night---
a moth enters my bedroom
and doesn't want to leave
the fortuneteller---
no doorstep no door no bell
just a beads curtain
August blue sky---
a foulmouthed man
is having a fit
the stock market---
wait few minutes
and try again
Summer sunset---
a kitten plays with
an empty Coors can
Syria's Assad:
his killing urge wraps---
will soon topple
August sun behind clouds---
a sunflower is
Manhattan August haze---
only the tourists
are still there
Northern London---
is it becoming the UK's
Sunday afternoon ballroom---
a man can't decide
which one to ask
sunshine in my kitchen---
a giant cockroach lies
on its back
trying to write a haiku
about sleep---
I fall asleep
August Sunday morning rain---
it is invisible
but to few
Saturday fog at sunset---
the bartender cuts
more orange slices
Summer grocery store---
most buy steak
and water
Lucille Ball
her centenary today---
I love Lucy
a team of huskies are on break
till Winter
now they are old men---
victims of Pearl Harbor internment
speak out
morning clouds
a kid looks for seashells
on the beach
every one is gone
and the living is easy
Wall street Summer---
still a red bow-tie
and a navy blue suit
hot Summer day---
a man stares at an empty
beer can
she's cute---
Thailand elects
a prime minister
clouds at sunset---
here and there
orange windows
the view---
tall condos of Manhattan
look at those in Queens
a cup of chocolate Italian ice-
aft a hot Summer
photo of a river---
a kid asks:
but where are the boats
Summer clouds up---
a man shaves
his head
yearning for freedom---
no despot survives
the anger of his people
August First---
the back to school sales
afternoon fog---
an arrogant man still pretends
not see anyone
August night dream---
a trek in
a blizzard
an unidentified insect
walks on my kitchen counter
crescent moon
over the skyline-
and a firefly
the noon sun shines on
a bag of baby carrots
August morning blue sky---
a beachcomber finds
the good old days when they did it
just for money
August First---
is Ramadan First:
we all need patience
Manhattan in August---
even the cold ac
a kid learns to walk:
by pushing her mom's
shopping cart
new immigrant---
a gray hooded gull
on Coney Island Beach
on his way to work---
a man draws plans
for his Labor Day Weekend
blue sky---
a couple argue
about money
its battery is weak---
crescent moon sets
behind the skyline
September sunset---
a clown finishes putting on
make up
a grocery store
with narrow isles---
frottage is not allowed
a query---
do Marxists
still exist?
an Uptown Sushi bar---
the chef says
he's Chinese
when will the World rebel---
at how many Assad felled
the night before?
blue sky---
a back to school sale
September First
Wall Street power lunch---
they drink it
the food is just an excuse
August blue sky---
a man covers his head
with today's Times
a Muslim holiday---
the Empire State Building
lit in green
Muslims celebrate
end of Ramadan---
kids parade in new clothes
blue sky---
a man takes his dirty clothes
to the dry cleaner
he was there from the start---
David Honeyboy Edwards
after the hurricane---
the skyline lights
burn bright
East River aft an earthquake
and a hurricane---
as if nothing passed
when nature doesn't nurture nature-
Hurricane Irene felled
many trees
blue sky---
the subway is full
of smiling faces
the clean up
after a hurricane
cold air chases the hot---
Irene is
pigeons are flying again---
Irene downgraded
to tropical storm
Irene continues its onslaught
and I like it
on a wall in Tripoli---
"where's the guy
with crazy hair?"
"good bye Irene
good bye Irene---
I'll see you in my dreams"
a hurricane---
the flies think
my kitchen is a storm shelter
New York screeches to a stop---
the dead quiet before
a hurricane
New Jersey shore surfers stay
as the waves get bigger---
looking at pictures
of a Playboy centerfold---
just because
fog at sunrise---
the overture to
hurricane Irene
hurricane Irene---
is it La Nina
shopping for the hurricane---
Yahrzeit Memorial Candles
are on sale
a hurricane watch---
a fly acts
sunset blue and red clouds draw
a map of a costal line---
Irene nears
an August shower---
a floatplane
flies over
secondhand smoke
in a clinic restroom---
that's sick
late August morning---
the sun shines on
a black garbage bag
Sioux vs the Feds---
money and no land
or land and no money
after he's gone---
will Libya's rebels be able
to agree?
Jorge Luis Borges Labyrinth---
only a blind man
could see it
the earth quake---
it felt the same
as riding the subway
blue sky---
like a fly on a window
a chopper stands
a smokehouse---
but they don't have
August sunset---
I peel a baby
the earthquake---
I thought Zeus and Hera
were having a fight
a man posts a picture
of his lower back
blue sky---
a back to school
where the mistakes of Iraq
were corrected
an unemployed man
finds a job
August blue sky---
a cool breeze makes it feel
the Jets preseason opener---
in the poring
"We are coming for you, frizz-head..."
Libyan rebels enter
more of August thunder 'n lightning---
I watch
a firefly
I go and buy her flowers---
she smiles
late August Sunday morning---
the HD is
not on
Summer Saturday sunset---
a blond wears
a black dress
Queens Boulevard---
from one country to another
as you cross a street
a man tosses the ash
from his pipe---
a Summer day moon
Saturday blue sky---
a betting parlor floor
covered with tossed tickets
talk radio---
some are
I turn off
the Tiffany lamp
August thunder and lightning
at sunset---
kids like it better
East River late August---
most of these skyscrapers
are empty
August noon---
construction workers talk
the economy
a Summer bee
can't make up its mind---
which rose
the edge of the universe---
a ray of light has
no where to go
Syria's Assad---
finally Obama says it:
he has to go
I close my windows---
August impersonates
August noon sun comes out---
I order
eggs Benedict
a bad haiku---
is someone else's
good haiku
August morning gray sky---
a man goes to the bank
to view his gold bars
August sunset---
from the kitchen window
as I do the dishes
kids friendly restaurant---
a little girl goes to talk
to a toddler
the loneliness of
a mid August morning---
a day moon
mid August blue sky---
a tall ship folds
its sails
#an experimental haiku
1: she lies in bed +
1: he lies with her
time passes---
a brass vase
Summer sunset---
a man says he squeezes his own
orange juice
a seafood store---
they remind you
August has no "r"
Manhattan morning fog---
the taller you are
the less they'll notice you
the obituary columnist
now writes humor
overcast August---
the Empire State Building top
is above clouds
end of a storm
the silence
August lunch hour---
the sparrows follow the pigeons
they follow the ants
aft a day of down pours---
how many feet of snow
were it a blizzard
morning dark clouds---
steam rises as I pour
a cup of tea
Iran outlaws
water gun fights
skyline lights shine
on storm clouds
as they pass-August Sunday
Summer rain---
a man on a bicycle carries
an umbrella
ballet dancers---
they are closet
Sunday fog---
a preacher says
the devil works in hidden ways
a rainy day---
a man has a garage sale
on his umbrellas
Summer Sunday morning rain storm-
it sets you
England is back---
just worrying
about soccer
Summer tourists---
the Empire State Building
Mount Rainier----
it's Summer but
the snow is still there
first it's bitter
then sweet---
I taste Schaefer beer
Saturday August Thirteenth---
yesterday was still
an unlucky day
August waxes---
a dog follows
another dog
blue sky---
a man updates his Facebook status
with nothing on his mind
August Friday happy hour---
the bartenders have time
to listen
morning subway---
I squeeze in the space
between two fat ladies
August blue sky---
a pacifist says
he has nothing to protest
like a street lamp that's
about to turn on-
the sun sets aside buildings
August lunch hour---
there aren't enough still here
to gossip about
my next door neighbor---
five daughters
and no sons
morning blue sky---
a dog barks
at a black cat
nothing wrong with the markets-
they still don't do
what we want them to do
a sushi bar---
the better it looks
the worse it tastes
East River August---
no sounds but the calls
of seagulls
Summer blue sky---
a kid has to tidy up
his room
the end of an August stormy day-
just a red
wriggled line
London riots---
the only stores not looted
were bookstores
Summer heavy rain---
a fish truck
passes by
August afternoon fog and rain---
the yellow tulips
look lovely
Summer night---
a moth enters my bedroom
and doesn't want to leave
the fortuneteller---
no doorstep no door no bell
just a beads curtain
August blue sky---
a foulmouthed man
is having a fit
the stock market---
wait few minutes
and try again
Summer sunset---
a kitten plays with
an empty Coors can
Syria's Assad:
his killing urge wraps---
will soon topple
August sun behind clouds---
a sunflower is
Manhattan August haze---
only the tourists
are still there
Northern London---
is it becoming the UK's
Sunday afternoon ballroom---
a man can't decide
which one to ask
sunshine in my kitchen---
a giant cockroach lies
on its back
trying to write a haiku
about sleep---
I fall asleep
August Sunday morning rain---
it is invisible
but to few
Saturday fog at sunset---
the bartender cuts
more orange slices
Summer grocery store---
most buy steak
and water
Lucille Ball
her centenary today---
I love Lucy
a team of huskies are on break
till Winter
now they are old men---
victims of Pearl Harbor internment
speak out
morning clouds
a kid looks for seashells
on the beach
every one is gone
and the living is easy
Wall street Summer---
still a red bow-tie
and a navy blue suit
hot Summer day---
a man stares at an empty
beer can
she's cute---
Thailand elects
a prime minister
clouds at sunset---
here and there
orange windows
the view---
tall condos of Manhattan
look at those in Queens
a cup of chocolate Italian ice-
aft a hot Summer
photo of a river---
a kid asks:
but where are the boats
Summer clouds up---
a man shaves
his head
yearning for freedom---
no despot survives
the anger of his people
August First---
the back to school sales
afternoon fog---
an arrogant man still pretends
not see anyone
August night dream---
a trek in
a blizzard
an unidentified insect
walks on my kitchen counter
crescent moon
over the skyline-
and a firefly
the noon sun shines on
a bag of baby carrots
August morning blue sky---
a beachcomber finds
the good old days when they did it
just for money
August First---
is Ramadan First:
we all need patience
Manhattan in August---
even the cold ac
a kid learns to walk:
by pushing her mom's
shopping cart
new immigrant---
a gray hooded gull
on Coney Island Beach
Monday, August 01, 2011
at day end---shaped like a serpent
a blue cloud with the sun as
it's eye
a woman on her phone
blocks my way---
then my phone rings
East River July ends---
even the skate board slides
are not crowded
Sunday brunch---
the maitre d' thanks me
for showing up early
blue sky---
a giant anteater
has breakfast
Summer sunset blush---
that's when I open
my curtains
they are not diminished
by what happened
July ends---
a man broke:
wants to raise his debt limit
New York Summer---
too many birds
and not enough time
Summer blue sky---
a teakettle
sudden Summer downpour---
the sound of a fire
evening fog---
the sound of
a sax player
a bonsai tree sits
next to the doll's house
a cloudy day lightens---
the Karmapa visits
New York
late July sunset---
on sale
Summer bread crumbs---
the pigeons try to scare
the sparrows away
Summer delirium---
my neighbor asks
why the hot water is cold
the Altman Brothers New York
Concert for Hepatitis C---
it chimes
two men walk together so close:
they look like holding hands
July morning---
a dog barks at a cat
the cat ignores it
July morning blue sky---
a yogi
the news from Norway---
I look up the temp
in Arizona
after a heat wave---
she dumps
the yellow daffodils
morning low dark clouds---
smoke columns
the debt ceiling will rise---
clouds break
for the sunset
evening fog---
the steam room
is empty
a man swings a lacrosse stick
under an apple tree
Dear Summer Sun,
thank you for staying away-
come back soon
July Times Square---
indoors it's cold enough
to be New Year's Eve
the hot yoga class
meets outdoors
New York City---
a man and a man go
to get married
Summer garden---
a couple share
an apple
Sunday Summer cloudy sky---
I wish for a
Spring shower
heat wave sunset---
it looks cooler
than it is
July heat waves---
I keep going
to Seven-Eleven for water
heat wave---
in Central Park Pond
ducks dive under water
heat wave---
a dog retrieves a frisbee
from a pond
heat wave---what was the temp in
Garden of Eden
for no clothes?
"like a flower bending in the breeze"-
I go to walk
in a heat wave
second day of a heat wave---
Frank Sinatra
a heat wave---
so many white shirts:
I look for a day moon
blue sky---
an open fire hydrant:
the heat wave waxes
heat wave sunset---
like putting a penny
in an ironworks furnace
a heat wave---
strangers are less shy
on Facebook-
than in the subway
a heat wave---
just like a snow storm:
I stay home
the perfect for a heat wave
morning haze---
a carriage horse stays home:
heat wave on the way
July fog at sunset---
a clown prepares
to go on stage
East River hot July---
the tennis players
murmur under their breaths
Arab Spring---
the wind of revolt sweeps
the relics of old despots
morning stillness---
the cat paces
back and forth
the hearing---
Murdoch's whitewash gets
whitewashed by a foam pie
a shinny penny outside
a nickel and dime store
hot July morning---
the sun shows off
what a star is good at
packed hot subway station---
an empty train passes
without stopping
Summer lightning---
the softness
of her cheeks
a man is arrested
with snow in his pocket
July blue sky---
a man looks at
a Dead Sea Scroll
Summer waxes---
a bird pretends to be
a cicada
Summer sunset---
as kids play their
shadows become longer
blue sky---
a man goes to buy
the Sunday New York Times
Saturday July sunset---
a long wait till
it gets dark
night time---
as I look for a lost key
she asks if need some company
blue sky---
a man looks for the other
of a pair of slippers
morning seaside---
the lighthouse
Bastille Day---
French tourists visit
Miss Liberty
"What's Going On?"---
I listen to
Marvin Gaye
morning blue sky---
writing haiku on
a Milky Way wrapper
morning blue sky---
but no beast
July sunset---
clouds shaped like the animals
of a merry-go-round
a line at a park water fountain-
two sparrows
ahead of me
July blue sky---
a cool breeze lifts
a plastic bag up in the air
a Summer shower before
you get home---
heavy downpour at sunset
East River July---
it's cool enough
not to wear a shirt
Summer morning---
as I open my window
a fly leaves
an approaching train
blocks the birds' song---
then the birds' tree itself
July blue sky---
the smell of
car exhausts
July blue sky---
a whale
are we alone or not---
NASA seeks
what Murdoch needs right now-
is a British
sex scandal
the moon---
like the North Pole:
no one wants to live there
July morning haze---
an old man takes
off his eyeglasses
heat wave sunset---
I wait
for the blush
July Sunday---
every one tells you
to stay cool
July blue sky---
hikers climb to the top
of a ski slope
July sunset---
the redness of people
coming back from the beach
Summer Saturday afternoon
beer garden---
I pretend to listen
July blue sky---
I order Saganaki
for lunch
they are free---
South Sudan becomes
the newest nation
East River Carnival---
the Triboro bridge dwarfs
the Ferris Wheel
July morning haze---
the lifeguard keeps blowing
his whistle
News of the World---
finally they got
Summer shower---
after just taking one
at home
July blue sky---
grass grows in cracks
of a shopping mall parking lot
hot July day---
a zoo polar bear
stays indoors
Union Square---
the ones who are reading
are also watching people
Summer figs---
you peel each and put it
in your mouth all at once-
at day end---shaped like a serpent
a blue cloud with the sun as
it's eye
a woman on her phone
blocks my way---
then my phone rings
East River July ends---
even the skate board slides
are not crowded
Sunday brunch---
the maitre d' thanks me
for showing up early
blue sky---
a giant anteater
has breakfast
Summer sunset blush---
that's when I open
my curtains
they are not diminished
by what happened
July ends---
a man broke:
wants to raise his debt limit
New York Summer---
too many birds
and not enough time
Summer blue sky---
a teakettle
sudden Summer downpour---
the sound of a fire
evening fog---
the sound of
a sax player
a bonsai tree sits
next to the doll's house
a cloudy day lightens---
the Karmapa visits
New York
late July sunset---
on sale
Summer bread crumbs---
the pigeons try to scare
the sparrows away
Summer delirium---
my neighbor asks
why the hot water is cold
the Altman Brothers New York
Concert for Hepatitis C---
it chimes
two men walk together so close:
they look like holding hands
July morning---
a dog barks at a cat
the cat ignores it
July morning blue sky---
a yogi
the news from Norway---
I look up the temp
in Arizona
after a heat wave---
she dumps
the yellow daffodils
morning low dark clouds---
smoke columns
the debt ceiling will rise---
clouds break
for the sunset
evening fog---
the steam room
is empty
a man swings a lacrosse stick
under an apple tree
Dear Summer Sun,
thank you for staying away-
come back soon
July Times Square---
indoors it's cold enough
to be New Year's Eve
the hot yoga class
meets outdoors
New York City---
a man and a man go
to get married
Summer garden---
a couple share
an apple
Sunday Summer cloudy sky---
I wish for a
Spring shower
heat wave sunset---
it looks cooler
than it is
July heat waves---
I keep going
to Seven-Eleven for water
heat wave---
in Central Park Pond
ducks dive under water
heat wave---
a dog retrieves a frisbee
from a pond
heat wave---what was the temp in
Garden of Eden
for no clothes?
"like a flower bending in the breeze"-
I go to walk
in a heat wave
second day of a heat wave---
Frank Sinatra
a heat wave---
so many white shirts:
I look for a day moon
blue sky---
an open fire hydrant:
the heat wave waxes
heat wave sunset---
like putting a penny
in an ironworks furnace
a heat wave---
strangers are less shy
on Facebook-
than in the subway
a heat wave---
just like a snow storm:
I stay home
the perfect for a heat wave
morning haze---
a carriage horse stays home:
heat wave on the way
July fog at sunset---
a clown prepares
to go on stage
East River hot July---
the tennis players
murmur under their breaths
Arab Spring---
the wind of revolt sweeps
the relics of old despots
morning stillness---
the cat paces
back and forth
the hearing---
Murdoch's whitewash gets
whitewashed by a foam pie
a shinny penny outside
a nickel and dime store
hot July morning---
the sun shows off
what a star is good at
packed hot subway station---
an empty train passes
without stopping
Summer lightning---
the softness
of her cheeks
a man is arrested
with snow in his pocket
July blue sky---
a man looks at
a Dead Sea Scroll
Summer waxes---
a bird pretends to be
a cicada
Summer sunset---
as kids play their
shadows become longer
blue sky---
a man goes to buy
the Sunday New York Times
Saturday July sunset---
a long wait till
it gets dark
night time---
as I look for a lost key
she asks if need some company
blue sky---
a man looks for the other
of a pair of slippers
morning seaside---
the lighthouse
Bastille Day---
French tourists visit
Miss Liberty
"What's Going On?"---
I listen to
Marvin Gaye
morning blue sky---
writing haiku on
a Milky Way wrapper
morning blue sky---
but no beast
July sunset---
clouds shaped like the animals
of a merry-go-round
a line at a park water fountain-
two sparrows
ahead of me
July blue sky---
a cool breeze lifts
a plastic bag up in the air
a Summer shower before
you get home---
heavy downpour at sunset
East River July---
it's cool enough
not to wear a shirt
Summer morning---
as I open my window
a fly leaves
an approaching train
blocks the birds' song---
then the birds' tree itself
July blue sky---
the smell of
car exhausts
July blue sky---
a whale
are we alone or not---
NASA seeks
what Murdoch needs right now-
is a British
sex scandal
the moon---
like the North Pole:
no one wants to live there
July morning haze---
an old man takes
off his eyeglasses
heat wave sunset---
I wait
for the blush
July Sunday---
every one tells you
to stay cool
July blue sky---
hikers climb to the top
of a ski slope
July sunset---
the redness of people
coming back from the beach
Summer Saturday afternoon
beer garden---
I pretend to listen
July blue sky---
I order Saganaki
for lunch
they are free---
South Sudan becomes
the newest nation
East River Carnival---
the Triboro bridge dwarfs
the Ferris Wheel
July morning haze---
the lifeguard keeps blowing
his whistle
News of the World---
finally they got
Summer shower---
after just taking one
at home
July blue sky---
grass grows in cracks
of a shopping mall parking lot
hot July day---
a zoo polar bear
stays indoors
Union Square---
the ones who are reading
are also watching people
Summer figs---
you peel each and put it
in your mouth all at once-
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
July blue sky---
a man remembers
last night fireworks
July Fourth sunset---
fireworks but no
gun powder
East River choppy waters---
the carving of barbecue:
July Fourth
I wonder what De Gaulle
would have thought of him
an immigrant looks at
a dollar bill first time
July Fourth dense fog---
life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness
New York Harbor fog---
Miss Liberty is still
fog and rain---
a driver asks how to get
to the Mid-Town Tunnel
this morning thunder and lightening-
tomorrow's night:
July Fourth
July Third cloudy sky---
a man plays chess
with himself
I skip the sunset
and wait for the fireflies
Summer strawberries---
they always remind me
of soul kissing
July Second blue sky---
a man walks barefoot
on the beach
blue clouds at sunset---
an American flag
is lowered for the night
in time for July Fourth:
DSK free to go---
just the USA
afternoon white patchy clouds---
she shampoos
her hair
July First blue sky---
a man sits under
a Field Elm tree
a frisbee veers into the waters---
June pink clouds
in the horizon
July Fourth weekend---
a pigeon walks unbothered
on the street median
blue sky---
a man puts on sunscreen
June ends
the more the sun sinks
the more a blimp rises---
Fourth of July nears
East River end of June---
the swans
are back
if you can't beat them join them---
the Pope now
morning blue sky---
a June breeze gives me
the new IMF head
is still French---
but is a woman
a fly informs me
of dirt places in my kitchen
morning haze---
my neighbor talks to me
in a whisper
both Venus sisters
are out of it
Summer sunset---
at last
the clouds open up
a soccer field---
kids learn how to shoot at the goal
with no goalie
June blue sky---
a glider
Summer sunrise---
a black cat goes to hide
under a parked car
Origami New York convention---
it's all made
of paper
June sunset---
the sun behind clouds
but the redness is still there
East River late June---
the pool is open
but no one is swimming
Sunday blue sky---
the masts of sail boats
parked in the marina
she says she had enough
Manhattan afternoon haze---
gay people no more
have to hide
Saturday night---
a gay bar admits
straight couples
morning fog---
a kid watches
a Popeye cartoon
there's dancing in the streets---
New York legalizes
same sex marriage
East River June fog---
only the pigeons
are here
Friday morning fog---
if you arrive late
you have an excuse
Paul Simon almost seventy---
he still sings
Mrs Robinson
afternoon low dark clouds---
the skyline goes
dense fog---
a math teacher re-explains how
to clear parentheses
Summer morning fog---
a street sparrow does not
fly as I pass it
afternoon fog---
Jimi Hendrix
the chess players in the park---
the rain comes
the sun comes out---
the forecast still says
cloudy sky---
a smoker looks at
a new cigarette pack
Summer Solstice sunset---
a gigolo takes
his time
Summer raspberries---
it feels like munching
on sour glass
Summer Solstice---
the cat has a long wait
till night time
First Day of Summer---
morning cool breeze
as I open a window
Syria's Assad---
it's time he retires:
to Iran
grocery store---
a little kid in the shopping cart:
enjoys the ride
beach blue sky---
a fashion model forgets
to bring her swim suit
Sunday blue sky---
a father takes his kids
to a concert in the park
Father's Day---
the letter "l" in Google
is a yellow tie
fisherman's net
put out to dry---the Queensboro
Bridge Sunday morning
as the sun sets
the ac gets cooler
June Saturday night---
dads go out on the town
with their offspring
June Thai cuisine
AC is high so that
the food will not make you sweat
blue sky---
a kid forgets where he hid
his marbles
a stormy day---
the sun shows up just
before it sets
afternoon fog---
a kid can't find anyone
to play hide and seek
the skyline from far---
near by cell towers like
dwarf skyscrapers
thunder and lightening---
pigeons fly fast and low:
people hurry
June morning shower---
a jogger will need another
when he gets home
Weiner resigns---
he does the correct thing
for a change
Central Park out-houses---
for a quarter a visit
you can't beat it
East River cool June breeze---
the benchwarmers
stop talking
June sunrise---
a tanning oil billboard
turns off
clouds at sunset---
like lava from the top
of a volcano
June blue sky---
shows up
a Rousseau quote:
man is born free---
but every where he's in chains
blue sky---
a beach kite
patchy clouds at sunset---
she puts cream
on her strawberries
East River nice June day---
a bank rat comes out
to look around
partial blue sky---
a balding old man
rearranges his hair
Saudi Arabia Gov
the Prophet freed women:
they shackle them
the Tony Awards---
it's all
in the feet
lab created bacteria---
don't like it
change it
now Bin Laden is dead---
people talk of him as human:
not demon
Arizona fire jumps the state line-
New Mexicans fight back
with fire
Sunday morning fog---
a cigar smoker takes
a walk
the Belmont---
Animal Kingdom
Saturday night fog---
only when they talk
I notice
Saturday fog---
a golfer asks his caddie
where the ball landed
Manhattan low dark clouds---
more reason to feel
East River---
I missed its cool breeze
during recent heat wave
Arab Spring---
it's about the rich few
and the shabby masses
morning blue sky---
a teacher loses
her cool
Prince Philip at ninety---
his tongue as sharp
as ever
the heat wave---
thunder and lightening:
I go take a shower
staying home waiting
for the sun to set---
June heat wave
workers on scaffolds
paint a building---
second day of a heat wave
morning haze---
I finally adjust
the tv picture
heat wave sunset---
finally the rage
cools down
it's the wind---
fire burns Arizona
ponderosa pine trees
June heat wave---
an ice-cream truck
breaks down
more politicos prowl---
congressman Weiner
obsessed with his wiener
blue sky---
many carry umbrellas:
a June heat wave
sunset viewed from the kitchen---
it feels like
the sun is cooking my food
cloudy sky---
a special on egg-whites only
crescent moon---
some one took a bite
of the Big Apple
the sun comes out from behind
clouds to set---
Apple launches icloud
East River Summer green waters-
the bank algae is
doing real well
this Summer---
DSK trial will beat all
day time soap operas
please tell Syria's Assad
to stop killing his people
blue sky---
a kid gets a new
coloring book
East River cool June Sunday---
kids run races
to win medals
Sunday morning---
two dogs sniff each other
while their owners chat
a dunk shot---
the sun sets into a crack
of the clouds
hard times---
a man forgets his
pants pocket out
crescent moon---
he wants a lemon peel
in his espresso
June sunset---
enough lemon juice
to make my whiskey sour
June cools down---
a beach lifeguard
acts bored
morning blue sky---
a baker cleans
his oven
Second Amendment---
Arizonian guns down five
then shoots himself
East River choppy waters---
a tennis player keeps
breaking his serve
Summer breezy day---
plenty of visible
goose bumps
blue sky---
the park chess table
is empty
the granite of the skyline
lightens up
a kid blows soap bubbles---
tornado watch for NYC---
there is no
basement here
hot day---
a lizard tries
to get closer
the henchmen of Assad---
now they torture and kill
little boys
morning fog---
I remember last
night dream
July blue sky---
a man remembers
last night fireworks
July Fourth sunset---
fireworks but no
gun powder
East River choppy waters---
the carving of barbecue:
July Fourth
I wonder what De Gaulle
would have thought of him
an immigrant looks at
a dollar bill first time
July Fourth dense fog---
life, liberty and
the pursuit of happiness
New York Harbor fog---
Miss Liberty is still
fog and rain---
a driver asks how to get
to the Mid-Town Tunnel
this morning thunder and lightening-
tomorrow's night:
July Fourth
July Third cloudy sky---
a man plays chess
with himself
I skip the sunset
and wait for the fireflies
Summer strawberries---
they always remind me
of soul kissing
July Second blue sky---
a man walks barefoot
on the beach
blue clouds at sunset---
an American flag
is lowered for the night
in time for July Fourth:
DSK free to go---
just the USA
afternoon white patchy clouds---
she shampoos
her hair
July First blue sky---
a man sits under
a Field Elm tree
a frisbee veers into the waters---
June pink clouds
in the horizon
July Fourth weekend---
a pigeon walks unbothered
on the street median
blue sky---
a man puts on sunscreen
June ends
the more the sun sinks
the more a blimp rises---
Fourth of July nears
East River end of June---
the swans
are back
if you can't beat them join them---
the Pope now
morning blue sky---
a June breeze gives me
the new IMF head
is still French---
but is a woman
a fly informs me
of dirt places in my kitchen
morning haze---
my neighbor talks to me
in a whisper
both Venus sisters
are out of it
Summer sunset---
at last
the clouds open up
a soccer field---
kids learn how to shoot at the goal
with no goalie
June blue sky---
a glider
Summer sunrise---
a black cat goes to hide
under a parked car
Origami New York convention---
it's all made
of paper
June sunset---
the sun behind clouds
but the redness is still there
East River late June---
the pool is open
but no one is swimming
Sunday blue sky---
the masts of sail boats
parked in the marina
she says she had enough
Manhattan afternoon haze---
gay people no more
have to hide
Saturday night---
a gay bar admits
straight couples
morning fog---
a kid watches
a Popeye cartoon
there's dancing in the streets---
New York legalizes
same sex marriage
East River June fog---
only the pigeons
are here
Friday morning fog---
if you arrive late
you have an excuse
Paul Simon almost seventy---
he still sings
Mrs Robinson
afternoon low dark clouds---
the skyline goes
dense fog---
a math teacher re-explains how
to clear parentheses
Summer morning fog---
a street sparrow does not
fly as I pass it
afternoon fog---
Jimi Hendrix
the chess players in the park---
the rain comes
the sun comes out---
the forecast still says
cloudy sky---
a smoker looks at
a new cigarette pack
Summer Solstice sunset---
a gigolo takes
his time
Summer raspberries---
it feels like munching
on sour glass
Summer Solstice---
the cat has a long wait
till night time
First Day of Summer---
morning cool breeze
as I open a window
Syria's Assad---
it's time he retires:
to Iran
grocery store---
a little kid in the shopping cart:
enjoys the ride
beach blue sky---
a fashion model forgets
to bring her swim suit
Sunday blue sky---
a father takes his kids
to a concert in the park
Father's Day---
the letter "l" in Google
is a yellow tie
fisherman's net
put out to dry---the Queensboro
Bridge Sunday morning
as the sun sets
the ac gets cooler
June Saturday night---
dads go out on the town
with their offspring
June Thai cuisine
AC is high so that
the food will not make you sweat
blue sky---
a kid forgets where he hid
his marbles
a stormy day---
the sun shows up just
before it sets
afternoon fog---
a kid can't find anyone
to play hide and seek
the skyline from far---
near by cell towers like
dwarf skyscrapers
thunder and lightening---
pigeons fly fast and low:
people hurry
June morning shower---
a jogger will need another
when he gets home
Weiner resigns---
he does the correct thing
for a change
Central Park out-houses---
for a quarter a visit
you can't beat it
East River cool June breeze---
the benchwarmers
stop talking
June sunrise---
a tanning oil billboard
turns off
clouds at sunset---
like lava from the top
of a volcano
June blue sky---
shows up
a Rousseau quote:
man is born free---
but every where he's in chains
blue sky---
a beach kite
patchy clouds at sunset---
she puts cream
on her strawberries
East River nice June day---
a bank rat comes out
to look around
partial blue sky---
a balding old man
rearranges his hair
Saudi Arabia Gov
the Prophet freed women:
they shackle them
the Tony Awards---
it's all
in the feet
lab created bacteria---
don't like it
change it
now Bin Laden is dead---
people talk of him as human:
not demon
Arizona fire jumps the state line-
New Mexicans fight back
with fire
Sunday morning fog---
a cigar smoker takes
a walk
the Belmont---
Animal Kingdom
Saturday night fog---
only when they talk
I notice
Saturday fog---
a golfer asks his caddie
where the ball landed
Manhattan low dark clouds---
more reason to feel
East River---
I missed its cool breeze
during recent heat wave
Arab Spring---
it's about the rich few
and the shabby masses
morning blue sky---
a teacher loses
her cool
Prince Philip at ninety---
his tongue as sharp
as ever
the heat wave---
thunder and lightening:
I go take a shower
staying home waiting
for the sun to set---
June heat wave
workers on scaffolds
paint a building---
second day of a heat wave
morning haze---
I finally adjust
the tv picture
heat wave sunset---
finally the rage
cools down
it's the wind---
fire burns Arizona
ponderosa pine trees
June heat wave---
an ice-cream truck
breaks down
more politicos prowl---
congressman Weiner
obsessed with his wiener
blue sky---
many carry umbrellas:
a June heat wave
sunset viewed from the kitchen---
it feels like
the sun is cooking my food
cloudy sky---
a special on egg-whites only
crescent moon---
some one took a bite
of the Big Apple
the sun comes out from behind
clouds to set---
Apple launches icloud
East River Summer green waters-
the bank algae is
doing real well
this Summer---
DSK trial will beat all
day time soap operas
please tell Syria's Assad
to stop killing his people
blue sky---
a kid gets a new
coloring book
East River cool June Sunday---
kids run races
to win medals
Sunday morning---
two dogs sniff each other
while their owners chat
a dunk shot---
the sun sets into a crack
of the clouds
hard times---
a man forgets his
pants pocket out
crescent moon---
he wants a lemon peel
in his espresso
June sunset---
enough lemon juice
to make my whiskey sour
June cools down---
a beach lifeguard
acts bored
morning blue sky---
a baker cleans
his oven
Second Amendment---
Arizonian guns down five
then shoots himself
East River choppy waters---
a tennis player keeps
breaking his serve
Summer breezy day---
plenty of visible
goose bumps
blue sky---
the park chess table
is empty
the granite of the skyline
lightens up
a kid blows soap bubbles---
tornado watch for NYC---
there is no
basement here
hot day---
a lizard tries
to get closer
the henchmen of Assad---
now they torture and kill
little boys
morning fog---
I remember last
night dream
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