a nor'easter
a sole bird soars
then free falls
December tempestuous entrance---
tossed umbrellas
at a mosque door
morning fog---
a man wants more steamed milk
in his cappuccino
who's killing Iran's scientists---
some think it is Israel
and US
evening fog---
the cat comes back
with an appetite
Christmas trees are here---
they look better
East River nice day---
Autumn trees prick
my attention
is it a
soap opera
a rag doll still guarding
a garden---
November ends
Fifth Avenue---
so many reindeers
but no women in high heels
Thanksgiving left overs
from paper plates---
a day moon
blue sky---
smoke rises from
Santa Claus chimney
Saturday night---
she asks me if I have a light
for her cigar
a football game---
as the sun sets
the players' shadow gets taller
blue sky---
morning frost
on my window
giant garbage bags
day after Thanksgiving---
how many can they feed
morning fog---
a street vendor has a sale
on orange colored scarfs
Black Friday---
a weight loss clinic
is having a sale
Thanksgiving day football game---
the New England Patriots
morning dense clouds---
a nurse goes to work
on Thanksgiving day
East River day before Thanksgiving---
seagulls await
tomorrow's trash
blue sky---
swift wind lifts up
street trash
must be his stare---
Andrew Cuomo picked
one of the sexiest men
Penn Station before Thanksgiving---
patience will not
get you out of it
Thanksgiving week starts---
I wake up to take Alkaseltzer
a day moon
full moon faces west---
many east side windows
are dark
the day JFK died---
we still recall
where we were
if you are flying---
make sure you wear
blue sky---
a bald man looks
I wake up to feed the cat---
a harvest
the Pope condones condoms---
for male HIV positive
they nest in the elevated
station tracks---the squeaks
of breaks and birds
Autumn swings---
a girl screams as the wind
gives her a hand
I seek a palm reader insight---
a day moon changes
to a night
they decorate for Christmas---
naked mannequin
in a store window
Moroccan club---
as the belly dancer rests
Aznavour sings on tape
blue sky--
the chatter of kids
waiting for the school bus
a currency trader buys gold---
full moon
over the skyline
the wind gusts---
Autumn leaves fly in the same
pattern as the birds
blue sky---
the roofs are still wet
from yesterday's storm
his mother would have approved---
Prince William will marry
a commoner
sheep graze on a meadow---
the Muslim Feast
of Sacrifice starts
morning fog---
having a top floor office
does not mean you're farsighted
that black cat is out again---
a half moon behind
thin clouds
Obama is back from Asia---
now the haggling in Congress
Winter tidying---
what's her panties
doing in my closet
blue sky---
a flock of sheep crosses
a country road
Autumn sunset---
a black cat is let out
no more dough for a hotel---
two tourists stay on
a Central Park tree
don't ask don't tell---
Cindy McCain comes out
for repeal
as she sits at the bar---
her jeans slide
a half moon
Rockefeller Christmas tree
cut down---why not have
a permanent tree
evening walk---
the sound of a cop siren
I move right on the sidewalk
blue sky---
the cat hides
under the bed
Veterans Day---
next one is on
eleven eleven eleven
clouds at sunset---
the wind pushes Autumn leaves
towards the horizon
East River mid November wind---
it's still nice enough
to smile
Obama in Indonesia---
we are not at war
with Islam
Autumn cold gusts---
I keep wearing then not wearing
my gloves
crescent moon at sunset---
she hesitates then
kisses me
blue sky---
a fisherman puts out
his net to dry
Bush talks about Bush
on TV---
regrets but no apology
Autumn dawn---
Venus sets
as I shave
New York City Marathon---
genes decide
the winners
Daylight Saving Time starts---
the cat still awakes
when it's hungry
Winter suburban scrubbing---
how can squirrels
sunrise purple clouds---
a hunting dog tracks
a deer
Tomas hits---
muddy water covers
Haitians to their knees
pigeons feeding---/
a mother tells her kid/
dejalo comiendo
what is a tent
in the face of a rain storm---
Tomas aims at Haiti
evening fog---
some one behind me
speaks in Cockney
morning fog---
the dry cleaner says
he can't find my coat
Bush writes a book---
no WMD's
and still no regrets
East River bright Autumn day---
algae on charcoal black rocks
looks healthy
a half loaf beats none---
Obama keeps the Senate
but loses the House
cargo planes from Athens
carry bombs---
Hermes caduceus
blue sky---
New York voters cast
paper ballots
Elections Day---
go stop the bashing
of Obama
she's macho---
Brazil elects its first
female president
Autumn's colors at sunset---
nothing left for
the imagination
blue sky---
I step on
a giant cockroach
Wednesday, December 01, 2010
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