Monday, March 29, 2010


she closes her
bathroom curtains---
a setting full moon


a dinner named
Mark Twain---
but where is the turtle soup


blue sky---
a hookah cafe
opens its doors


March sunset---
an old lady sweeps
cherry blossom leaves


Spring cold wind---
the Cherry blossoms leaves
are wasted


under the triboro bridge---
a steel beam holds
a leaning tree


nice Spring late morning---
my alarm clock
did not ring


Spring blue sky---
the only eye soar
is a day moon


evening rush---
a woman puts her poodle
in her bag


morning fog---
the coffee line
is not moving


first day of Spring---
Obama's health care reform


first day of Spring---
two sweethearts kiss
under a leafless tree


March goes from hot to cold---
women start wearing


boring day---
the dog waits for the mailman
to show up


March night---
nothing buds


East River stillness---
a dog sits on the soccer field
March heats up


now I can see it from
the bath room----March


crescent moon on the skyline---
I order a bottle
of Corona


the luck of the Irish---
warm and sunny
on Saint Patrick Day


New York---
all bartenders say they're Irish
on Saint Patrick Day


East River green waters---
a man asks me
when is Saint Patrick Day


blue sky---
the calm
after the storm


the rain stops---
I call her
and apologize


after the storm---
a homeless man sits
on a fallen tree


a March nor'easter---
Obama names it


Saturday night rain storm---
many babies will be born
nine month from now


Spring cleaning---
I don't find any crumbs
in the dinning area


will Obama's health care


morning fog---
a homeless man curses
a lamp post for hitting him


dark night---
a stray dog follows me
the smell of baking bread


crowded subway---
I stand between two women
having an argument

Thursday, March 11, 2010


March sunset---
the parrot
stops talking


Spring Break---
she comes back from Florida
with no suntan


March Madness---
U of Con
no one else


East River murky waters---
the smell
of Spring


Spring nears---
a beggar has a shamrock
tattooed on his palm


Oscars Night---
a homeless man
acts normal


blue sky---
men wait in line to piss
Central Park


East River median day---
a tug boat splits
the water into two halves


teach her karate---
Princess Aiko bullied
by boys at school


March Madness---
East River runs
faster than they can dribble


at the barber shop---
he asks if his health care plan
covers hair transplants


March warms up---
the barmaid opens
another button on her skirt


after the earthquake
all the beaches are crowded


old dirty snow
next to new grass---


Chopin's birthday---
I look up
George Sand


blue sky---
a stone in my oatmeal
March starts


dark chocolate is gone---
I'm not yearning
as much as I thought I would


Saturday night---
they stand on ice and kiss
the man complains of cold feet


as I walk down Broadway---
large snow flakes tumble
a ticker tape parade


snow falls in big flakes
it melts as it hits the ground---
no wind only smoke


snow storm---
Lindsey Vonn


morning fog---
a Toyota has no idea
where it's going


Winter drizzle---
I kiss her on the mouth
instead of the cheek


the Mossad shits
on the face of all Europe


warm Monday morning---
a school kid forgets
to wear his tie


Olympics downhill skiers---
they look like they'll fall
even when they don't


a Spring like day---
but no one


blue sky---
a cigar smoker
has cravings


East River stillness---
the snow on its banks


crescent moon
above the skyline---
a worshiper is distracted