Sunday, June 14, 2009


the New York Times is
now on Twitter---
all the short words fit to print


morning stillness---
the cat refuses to come
when I whistle


June Saturday night---
a priest stops
to buy flowers


partially blue sky---
a half loaf is less filling
than a whole


after days of fog
the sky clears at sunset---
she buys the champaign


on a street bench
a couple neck in the fog---


June evening---
the fog has left nothing
uncovered to write about


morning fog---
she wears sunglasses
in the subway


New York---
opposite a church a mosque
both have their doors open


morning fog---
a garbage truck
makes no noise


overcast skies at sunset---
I water
the lilacs


Summer night thunder
and lightening storm---
but no one here to hug


June East River---
a discarded condom
on new grass


June overcast skies---
she wears
a see through blouse

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