Sunday, June 17, 2007


blue sky---
a June bride
finishes dressing up


Madison Square Park---
after the rain stopped
the sprinklers start


the fortune teller
tells me---say less
observe more


for a rainy Sunday
to have a fish fry


once more a sparrow
wins the race
but loses the prize---to a pigeon


a black cat
comes out to stretch


a squirrel on the fire escape
I go wear some clothes


sunrise behind
overcast skies---
the milkman does not show up


subway new trains---
hard low plastic benches
now don't doze


overcast Summer day---
I flush out the mildew
from an old cap


Summer downpour---
a poodle not covered
by his master's umbrella


Summer playground---
many balls thrown
but no catches


I made
the sangria


blue sky---
she puts her blond hair
in my face

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